AJ’s Out of School Child Care

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About AJ’s Out of School Child Care

Name AJ’s Out of School Child Care
Address St Joseph’s School, Watford Way, London, NW4 4TY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Staff have formed strong bonds with children at the setting. Children are happy and confident in the familiar indoor and outdoor environment.

Staff provide activities that interest and encourage children to take part. For example, children are interested in the table activities, such as board games, construction activities and logic puzzles. Staff have clear expectations about children's behaviour and children understand and know what they must do to stay safe.

For example, they know to wash their hands before snack time and wait for their name before collecting their fruit. Children are well behaved. For example, ...children enjoy the responsibility of taking care of their coats and bags and placing them in the designated area.

Staff allow the younger children to complete tasks for themselves to help develop their independence skills further. They enthusiastically prepare for registration while they chatter with staff and each other. Leaders and managers value the contribution of parents to enable staff to understand and support children.

Daily updates from parents, when needed, are used to effectively support children to enjoy their time at the setting.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have a good understanding of what children are interested in. They use their knowledge to adapt activities, so that all children can take part.

For example, construction toys are moved to the younger children's level, so they can contribute to the building and share their ideas with older children. Older children are caring and supportive of younger children and encourage them to take part.Staff develop positive relationships with children, which enable the children to feel secure and supported at the after-school club.

Children are given opportunities to talk about how their day at school has been. Staff are encouraging and listen carefully to what children say. This builds children's confidence and extends their communication and language.

Children are encouraged to be physically active. The outdoor play area is used well while there is sufficient light to play safely. Children have opportunities to run, play ball games, or take part in climbing activities.

Children learn how exercise benefits their bodies and overall health.Children are provided with healthy snacks during the after-school club. For example, children enjoy a selection of fruits at snack time as well as being able to help themselves to drinks during the session.

Parents report that their children are happy to attend and talk about the various activities they have taken part in. Staff gather detailed information about children's care to ensure that they can meet medical and dietary requirements. Parents receive useful information about the after-school club when their children first start and throughout their attendance.

Leaders and managers have effective systems in place for the recruitment and vetting of staff. However, careful attention is not always given to ensuring that all staff are suitable to be included in ratio. Staffing arrangements must be carefully considered to ensure ratios are always met, particularly when there are unexpected staff absences.

Managers would benefit from up-to-date training and professional development opportunities. In order to further their understanding and implementation of the early years foundation stage and to ensure they offer further quality experiences for children that continually improve.Children speak highly of the staff at the after-school club and comment on the different activities that they enjoy each time they attend, such as arts and crafts and being outside.

Children benefit from daily opportunities to be imaginative and develop curiosity, both indoors and in the outside environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children's safety is a high priority.

The premises are safe and secure. A thorough daily risk assessment is completed indoors and outdoors before the arrival of the children. Managers ensure that staff implement policies and procedures effectively, such as following up on children's absences promptly.

All staff understand signs and symptoms that a child may be at risk and the relevant reporting procedures. The designated safeguarding lead has a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities to protect children and works closely with other agencies.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure managers and practitioners have up-to-date training and knowledge, to enable them to fulfil their roles and responsibilities and further meet the needs of the children 06/12/2023 provide staffing arrangements that meet the needs of all children with particular regard to ensuring that staff under 17 are not left unsupervised with children and not included in the staff to children ratio.


Also at this postcode
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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