After School Christ The King

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About After School Christ The King

Name After School Christ The King
Address Christ the King JMI, Meadway, Wavertree, Liverpool, Merseyside, L15 7LZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are friendly and welcoming. They have formed close bonds with children.

Staff show a genuine interest in finding out about children's news and their day. They listen attentively to children when they are talking. Children arrive happily at the club.

They independently hang up their coats and sort out their belongings before setting off to play. Children demonstrate that they feel safe and secure here.Children behave well.

They are kind and caring to their friends. Staff are positive role models. For example, they support children to take turns when playing with the prams outside.

Staff encourage chi...ldren to use good manners. They praise children verbally and with stickers. They also give out certificates to reward children's positive behaviour.

This helps to build children's self-esteem.Children's physical development is promoted well. Children have copious opportunities to be physically active.

They balance across tyres and trim trails in the outdoor area. Children develop their hand-eye coordination as they play tennis with staff. This helps to develop children's large-muscle movements.

Staff support children to use scissors as they make their own masks. Children roll out the play dough and squeeze it into shapes as they construct models. These opportunities help to develop children's small-muscle movements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff provide a range of interesting activities for children to explore while at the club. For example, children create their own superheroes. They use the large bricks to construct objects together.

These activities help to capture children's imagination and further develop their attention skills.Children behave positively. They listen to staff's instructions and follow them well.

For example, they pack the equipment away together when it is tidy-up-time. Older children are caring towards younger children. They buddy up with a younger child to complete activities.

This helps younger children confidently socialise with children outside of their class in school.Staff promote diversity well. Children celebrate a range of festivals at the club, such as Hanukkah and Diwali.

They discuss the similarities and differences between themselves and others. This helps children learn about people and families that may be different to their own.Leaders ensure staff keep their mandatory training up to date, such as their paediatric first-aid qualification.

The manager completes staff supervisions and staff attend regular staff meetings. Staff access training courses both online and face to face to help them to further develop their practice.Staff have built effective working relationships with the host school.

For example, the club plans activities using the same topics that children are learning about in school. Parents are complimentary about the care the club provides. They praise staff for the range of activities children participate in.

These strong partnerships help to provide continuity of care for all children.Staff promote leading a healthy lifestyle. They talk to children about foods which are healthy and nutritious.

Children complete activities about oral hygiene. They learn how to brush their teeth properly. This helps children learn about healthy life choices.

Staff evaluate their provision well. They send out parental questionnaires and act on suggestions to improve their service. For example, staff have recently extended their operating hours during breakfast club following parental feedback.

Staff consistently listen to children's views. For example, children complete their own questionnaires and staff purchase resources that the children have shown an interest in. Children and parents are actively involved in decision-making.

Children are taught how to keep themselves safe. Staff practise regular fire drills with children. This helps them to understand what to do in the event of a fire emergency.

Children are reminded to use walking feet when playing indoors. This helps children gain a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe.Children's growing independence is promoted.

Children wash their own hands. They serve their own snack and re-fill their water bottles using the water station. Children access the resources by themselves.

These opportunities help children to feel proud of the activities they can complete independently.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Christ The King Catholic Primary School Christ The King Playgroup

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