After School St. Francis De Sale Infant Schools

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About After School St. Francis De Sale Infant Schools

Name After School St. Francis De Sale Infant Schools
Address St. Francis de Sales Infant School, Margaret Road, Walton, Liverpool, Merseyside, L4 3RX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and feel safe in the club.

They are friendly and welcoming to both visitors and their peers. Staff teach children about different feelings through circle-time sessions. They talk about sharing food out fairly during snack time.

Staff teach children to use kind hands and to use kind words to each other. There is a strong focus on mutual respect for others. As a result, children are extremely considerate to others.

Children compliment each other's paintings that they create. They also thank staff for the snack and tell them that it was 'delicious'. Children are provided with healthy food.

...>Staff ensure that parents' wishes are followed. They provide food to cater for dietary requirements. Staff extend children's learning by discussing which foods are good for them and why.

Children enjoy making healthy plates. They draw pictures of healthy food, cut them out and stick them onto their plates. Children respond well to directions, encouragement and praise.

Staff are good role models to children and they consistently encourage children to use good manners. Children's behaviour is excellent. They play harmoniously together, sharing toys and resources.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff greet children warmly. They are interested in children's news and their day. As a result, children are keen to interact with their key person and other staff.

Clear routines provide children with good structure to their time spent here. This keeps them well occupied and ensures their needs for rest and refreshment are addressed. Children are confident communicators.

They enjoy talking to their peers about World Book Day. Younger children talk about which character they are going to dress up as.Children are confident to express their own ideas.

They make choices about what they want to play with to lead their own learning. Younger children enjoy pretending to cook food in the home corner. They talk about their favourite meals as they prepare food for the staff.

Staff help children to develop high levels of confidence and self-esteem. For instance, they praise children for tidying all of the craft activities away. Children beam with pride as they are given certificates for their good work.

Staff work closely with the host school. This enables staff to have a better understanding of the needs of the children who attend. Staff plan activities using the same topics as the nursery.

This helps to provide continuity in children's learning. Parents are pleased with the service that the club provides. They comment on how accommodating it is and how welcoming and friendly the staff are.

Children's small movement skills are promoted. They enjoy making models using the play dough. Children confidently use scissors as they cut out shapes.

They practise writing words as they make pictures and cards for their friends.Children meet their own care needs as they wash their hands before eating. They take their shoes and coats off by themselves.

These opportunities help to develop children's growing independence. However, children's independence skills could be extended even more at snack time.Staff encourage children to respect each other and to celebrate their similarities and differences.

Older children are kind and caring to younger children and they play collaboratively together. Children enjoy learning about different cultures and festivals that are celebrated in other countries and religions. This helps to extend their understanding of families and ways of life beyond their immediate experiences.

Staff receive a detailed induction. This enables them to carry out their roles and responsibilities well. Staff attend regular meetings and safeguarding training courses.

Leaders carry out observations of staff during supervisions. However, arrangements for monitoring staff practice could be enhanced to raise the quality to the highest level.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of what constitutes a safeguarding concern. They understand the procedures to follow to protect children from harm. Staff access training and take part in weekly meetings, to keep their knowledge up to date.

Good recruitment procedures and rigorous background checks ensure that children are always cared for by suitable staff. Staff assess risks effectively and prepare activities which are suitable and safe for children. They are deployed effectively and children are supervised well.

Children's safety is paramount to the staff. The doorbell entry system enables staff to check a person's identity before letting them in. Staff have appropriate fire procedures in place and regularly practise fire drills.

Also at this postcode
St Francis de Sales Catholic Infant and Nursery School

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