Aktiva @ St Martins Primary School

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About Aktiva @ St Martins Primary School

Name Aktiva @ St Martins Primary School
Address St. Martins C E Primary School, Rowan Road, West Drayton, UB7 7UF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and quickly settle into a calm and welcoming environment. Staff organise a wealth of interesting activities based on children's interests, which they access freely.

Firm friendships are established as children eagerly listen to one another about how they spent their day. Staff work closely as a strong team to ensure the routine is seamlessly delivered to meet the children's needs. As a result, children adapt quickly to changes made to facilitate their other commitments, such as attending the school Christmas party.

Children behave very well. They know what is expected of them and cooperate very well... with one another. Staff praise children's achievements, such as when children help their friends.

Children respond very well to staff's gentle reminders to remember their manners when they occasionally forget. Children's safety is given good priority. They are supervised closely by staff, who walk them to the classroom and then hand them safely to their parents at the end of the session.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work closely with children and nurture their critical thinking very well. Activities are planned effectively with good consideration given to the individual personalities and interests of the children attending each session. They ensure children who enjoy science-based activities are offered lots of opportunities to experiment.

For example, children relish the chance to race with a range of sand timers to work out which one is the fastest.Children confidently share their positive views of the club. They say they enjoy coming to the club.

They particularly enjoy playing outside and making pictures and play dough.Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children, where they listen and value their opinions. Children confidently share their thoughts and ideas, as they learn to problem solve about how much oil to put into their dough to ensure it is malleable.

They delight in creating shapes and objects once their fresh 'soft' dough is made.Staff skilfully support children to participate in a good balance of active and soothing activities. When they notice children becoming tired after a busy day, they act as good role models.

They teach children the types of activities that will help them to relax, such as colouring and reading stories. Children calmly share their thoughts and feelings as they compare their colouring with staff.Children's health is well promoted.

Staff successfully teach children about how to lead healthy lives. Children help themselves to a wide range of freshly prepared fruit and vegetables and choose their fillings for their pitta bread. They benefit from energetic play in the outdoor area and enjoy dancing indoors.

Staff make sure the environment includes a comfortable area where children can chat to their friends, read books and relax.Staff work very closely with school staff to make sure they are familiar with children's ongoing needs. They create effective partnership working to support the needs of all the children, including children who may require additional support.

Partnership working with parents is strong. Parents report they are pleased with the quality of care their children receive. Parents are familiar with the club's policies and procedures and know what is expected from them.

They complete a variety of information about their child and receive information about activities and competitions their children can take part in. The club is currently working towards strengthening the information they share with parents, which relates more specifically to the club, rather than the chain of clubs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand their role in keeping children safe. They complete training on how to protect children from harm. They are alert to the signs that a child may be at risk of harm and understand how to respond and report the information promptly to keep children safe.

The manager understands her role and responsibility to liaise with other professionals in the event an allegation is made against a member of her team. Staff are suitably vetted to work with children and ensure their safety. They check the environment for risks that could cause a child an injury and remove them, so that children can play safely.

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St Martin’s Church of England Primary School PSD Childcare

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