Aktiva Camps At West Acton

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About Aktiva Camps At West Acton

Name Aktiva Camps At West Acton
Address West Acton Primary School, Noel Road, LONDON, W3 0JL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this warm and happy after-school club. They know where to meet in the playground and will greet each other with a hug before the group forms a line to walk to their club. Older children support and welcome the younger children.

For example, they will prompt younger children to join them to walk together. On arrival to the club, children understand the routine of register taking before being given the choice of indoor or outdoor play. Children are encouraged to make independent choices.

For example, indoors, they can choose artwork, messy play, board games or dinosaur exploration to play with. Child...ren behave well in this nursery. Leaders know the children well and adapt the provision on children's request.

For example, at snack time, some children were using chopsticks to eat with from a previous celebration of the Chinese New Year.Children engage in activities from this well-resourced club. During outdoor play, children learn to negotiate with their friends, take turns and share during football games.

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They are skilful in knowing when to intercept in minor disagreements, and when to allow children to settle problems independently. This supports children's good behaviour and learning to handle relationships.

Children say they enjoy their time at the club and enjoy playing with their friends. This contributes to a positive and warm environment where children can relax and play at the end of the school day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children demonstrate a good understanding of the club routine and rules.

The older children show kindness and support to their younger peers and will guide them to follow the club expectations. Younger children respond positively to this.Children can explore and play with lots of activities in this well-resourced club.

For example, a group of children were painting hats and offer ideas to one another on the colours that could be included and how they could mix to create new colours.Children interact in a positive manner. They listen, retell information, share their ideas and joke with one another, providing a calm play environment.

Staff understand the children well through a robust and flexible settling-in process. They speak with parents to understand children's needs to ensure children enjoy their time in the club.Children behave well in this nursery.

Leaders are positive role models and treat children with respect and tolerance. They explain rules patiently and discuss expectations calmly.Leaders know their staff and ensure they are well supported.

Staff say they are happy with access to professional development training which has a positive impact on the quality of care children receive.Children are respectful and kind to one another. For example, at snack time, children discuss a film which discussed feelings and the link to colours.

Children had various views on the topic, but they took turns to listen to one another and add their own opinions.Children are provided with freshly prepared snacks, which are well balanced and healthy. They consider children's dietary needs.

Children understand good hygiene practice. When necessary, staff will remind children to wash their hands or wipe their nose with a tissue.Leaders are reflective of their practice and have adapted some recommendations from parents in order to improve their service.

Parents are positive about the staff in the club. They feel their children are looked after well and their children are happy when leaving each day. They feel staff provide them with information and are approachable.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their roles and responsibility to support children's well-being and keep them safe. All staff have a secure understanding of signs and symptoms of the different kinds of abuse and who to make a referral to if they have a concern for a child.

Staff receive regular updates to ensure their knowledge of child protection is up to date. Staff complete regular risk assessments to ensure the premises remains safe and suitable for children. There is a robust recruitment and induction in place, and all staff are suitably vetted to ensure they are safe to work with children.

Also at this postcode
West Acton Primary School

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