All My Friends at Barnwood C of E Primary

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About All My Friends at Barnwood C of E Primary

Name All My Friends at Barnwood C of E Primary
Address Barnwood C Of E Primary School, Colin Road, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3JP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have a lot of fun at the holiday club.

They arrive with enthusiasm and quickly settle at activities staff know will interest them. Children understand behavioural expectations and are very well behaved. They follow instructions promptly and are polite and considerate of others.

The children of different ages, from different schools, play well together. They develop firm friendships. The oldest children are quick to offer assistance to younger children and happily involve them in their games.

Children clearly enjoy the company of the staff, who make sure every child is occupied and happy. A good variety of... activities are planned and children know they can ask for alternative activities and resources whenever they wish. Staff embrace children's ideas.

For example, children suggested making cakes, an impromptu shopping trip to buy ingredients took place, followed by the cooking activity. Children use their imaginations as they play cafes and shops, and play with action toys. The children confidently chat with staff and visitors about activities, past experiences, planned holidays and moving on to new schools and classes.

They enjoy creative play. For example, the whole group of children excitedly made 'slime'. They combined required substances, mixed vigorously and explored the changing texture with delight.

Two children giggled as they discovered their gloved hands stuck together when they did a 'high five'. They stretched and moulded the slime, and described how it feels.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are aware of children's individual needs, interests, life experiences and family backgrounds.

They use this knowledge well to ensure that every child is included and valued. Staff know when children need extra emotional support. They listen carefully to the children and are highly responsive to their needs.

The owner and staff team are enthusiastic in their roles. Team spirit is very evident. Each staff member understands their role and responsibilities and instinctively knows when to play an active role in children's play and when to let them play freely.

The manager works with staff to evaluate the provision effectively and implements changes to improve the experiences for children. The owner provides good access to training to encourage staff in their personal development, and values their skills highly.Staff plan holiday club activities well, including plenty of opportunities for children to be physically active.

For example, children learn rugby and football skills from a sports coach. They engage in team ball games. They work together to collect as many balls as they can, dribble a ball through cones as a relay race and play tag rugby.

Children bounce with vigour on space hoppers and roll and spin their friends in sit-in dishes. Children really look forward to planned outings and even persuade their parents to let them attend extra days, so they can join a trip to play laser tag.Parents give high praise to the staff and report that their children love attending.

Children also say that they enjoy coming to the holiday club. Parents appreciate the regular online and email communication about activities, and daily feedback from staff when they collect their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager ensures that security measures are implemented effectively. Staff are highly vigilant in their supervision of children and alert them to potential safety hazards. Children learn to keep themselves safe.

Staff know their safeguarding responsibilities and what to do if they have concerns about a child's well-being. The owner ensures that all new staff complete safeguarding training as part of their induction. Staff complete regular update training and the designated safeguarding leads complete higher level training to ensure their knowledge of safeguarding matters is good.

Also at this postcode
Barnwood Church of England Primary School

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