All Stars Child Care

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About All Stars Child Care

Name All Stars Child Care
Ofsted Inspections
Address Arc House, 1 Coal Hill Lane, Farsley, Pudsey, LS28 5NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Since the last inspection, the setting has taken action to devise and implement a varied and balanced curriculum. Staff know what they want children to learn based on children's interests and next steps in their learning. However, leaders have not adhered to the safeguarding and welfare requirements and followed their own safeguarding procedures.

Children happily enter the safe and secure premises. They separate well from their caregivers and settle quickly into their play. Staff have formed strong bonds with the children and ensure their emotional needs are met.

Those who require reassurance are given extra cudd...les. Staff ensure children are closely supervised in their play and particularly when eating. They ensure mealtimes are a relaxed and social event to encourage conversation.

Children demonstrate excellent behaviour. They are considerate towards their friends, sharing the resources and cooperating in their play. Staff help them to manage their feelings through explanation and demonstrating positive actions.

The children hand out the cutlery at lunchtime and their friends thank them. They display excellent manners. Staff's excellent knowledge of their key children ensure their individual needs are met.

All children have the capacity to reach their full potential in their learning. Those children who need additional support are closely monitored and external help sought as required.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Practitioners across the nursery demonstrate a robust understanding of the signs of abuse.

They know how to protect children from the risk of harm and are trained in other areas of safeguarding. They carefully assess risks within the environment. However, leaders have not taken appropriate action when there are allegations of a safeguarding nature.

Children's communication and language development is promoted well as staff speak to them about what is happening and ensure an ongoing dialogue. Staff respectfully ask children before changing their nappies. Staff use a visual timetable to show children what is going to happen next and verbalise the routine of the day.

This contributes to children's language development and helps them to settle.Staff promote children's physical development well. Younger children crawl and move across the obstacle course with confidence as they experience different levels and heights.

They practise their climbing skills as they move into the ball pool and throw the balls back and forth. Older children excitedly join in circle time, where they practise their muscle movements as they jump and slide to the action songs.Systems in place ensure that staff have a good understanding of children's individual starting points.

Regular assessment ensures that staff are continuously reviewing children's progress and identifying their individual learning goals. The key-worker system enables staff to form strong bonds with children and their families.Children's interests are followed to extend their learning into other areas and children make choices about their play.

However, on occasions children would benefit from staff providing more experiences which relate to problem-solving, to give more challenge for the older children.Children have lots of opportunities for mark making and practising their writing skills. Older children concentrate for considerable lengths of time, drawing and colouring.

However, children's literacy skills are not further strengthened using books and regular storytelling.Children learn about their own health and hygiene as they wash their hands prior to snack and lunch. They are reminded to wipe their noses to stop germs spreading.

Staff teach children about the benefits of healthy eating as they eat their fruit. Staff encourage their independence as they use the cutlery to feed themselves and pour their own milk.Parents value the range of skills children learn in the setting, including self-care skills and independence.

They appreciate the information staff share regarding their child's progress and development. In addition, parents appreciate the guidance to seek support from other professionals when needed.Staff comment on how valued they feel.

Supervision and staff meetings provide opportunities for staff and leaders to evaluate the setting and staff practice. Leaders prioritise staff well-being and identify training needs to ensure staff are continuously developing.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date ensure the safeguarding policies and procedures are followed in the event of allegations of a safeguarding nature.12/03/2024 To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: provide more problem-solving and challenging activities for older children nencourage children's love of reading through more regular storytelling.

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