All Stars at Holmer

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About All Stars at Holmer

Name All Stars at Holmer
Address Holmer Church of England Academy, Holmer Road, HEREFORD, HR4 9RX
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Herefordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy the time they spend at this holiday club. They arrive at the start of the day, happily separate from their parents, and quickly chose what they want to play with.

Various activities are planned by staff for children to join in with. These range from creative play, baking activities and various sporting events. The atmosphere within the club is welcoming and inclusive.

Children behave well and play cooperatively. Older children interact well with younger children. They learn to share, take turns, and enjoy being helpful, such as helping to tidy away resources, ready to move on to the next activity.

C...hildren are keen to play outside in the school playground, where they enjoy joining in with team games. Staff organise and join in with group ball games. Children show excitement and enthusiasm as they race against other teams trying to fetch the most tennis balls from the centre of the court as they play a game of 'hungry hippos'.

Children develop their creative skills as they make bookmarks to follow the week's theme of World Book Day. They use their imaginations dressing up as their favourite book characters. Children tell visitors that they enjoy coming to the club and spending time with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Managers and staff are passionate about providing children with quality care, fun learning opportunities, and a range of physically active sports experiences that children of all ages can join in with. Children are warmly greeted by staff. The atmosphere within the club is happy.

The sound of excited children playing fills the building and playground.Children settle well into the routines of the day. Designated key staff for the younger children offer support and reassurance to children as they join in with activities and interact with older children.

This helps to ensure they feel safe, secure, and included in the setting. Staff gather important information from parents before children start at the club. This includes information about medical and dietary needs.

However, this could be built upon to include information about children's current interests, likes and dislikes, so that staff could support children even more from the outset.Children enjoy joining in with activities that build on their prior learning at school. For example, they have fun during a cooking session, making icing and decorations for the cup cakes they have made.

This provides them with opportunities to count and weigh ingredients.Children's physical health is promoted extremely well. Children are encouraged to make healthy choices at mealtimes and stay hydrated throughout the day, having constant access to their water bottles.

Good hygiene routines are followed. Children understand the importance of washing their hands before snack and mealtimes. The club has a strong ethos for physical activity.

Children benefit from many different physical activity sessions, both indoors and outdoors.Staff promote children's positive behaviour, acting as good role models to the children. Staff speak in a calm and respectful way to help children understand that their actions can have consequences on others.

They encourage children to take turns and work as part of a team. This helps children to understand the rules of good behaviour.Parents are happy with the service provided by the club.

They say that they would highly recommend the club to other parents. They value the communication they have about their child's time at the club. They say the staff are friendly and that their children have a fantastic time.

Staff seek parent's and children's ideas about what activities they would like planned in the future. They act on these suggestions, implementing these into the planned activities. This gives children a real sense of involvement and belonging.

Staff benefit from regular opportunities to access training and supervision sessions. This helps to build on their already good knowledge and skills. Staff work well as a team and express how well supported they are in their roles.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff are knowledgeable about child protection and safeguarding. They are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect and understand how to refer concerns to designated staff within the setting and to external agencies.

Staff supervise children well and ensure the premises are safe and secure. A secure door entry system means that children cannot leave the premises unsupervised, and any unwanted visitors cannot gain access. There are effective procedures in place for the safe recruitment and induction of staff, to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

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