Alphablocks Nursery School And Pre-Prep

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About Alphablocks Nursery School And Pre-Prep

Name Alphablocks Nursery School And Pre-Prep
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Paul’s Church Hall, Crescent East, Hadley Wood, Barnet, Greater London, EN4 0EN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children are extremely happy and confident learners at this setting. They learn a wide range of skills that give them an exceptional start to their education.

Leaders have high expectations of what they want children to know and do. All staff are very nurturing and have an excellent understanding of their key children. They plan well-thought-out activities that capture children's interests.

Leaders thoroughly consider the curriculum for communication and language. Staff use carefully guided approaches to introduce new vocabulary to children. For example, they bring books alive through focus stories, nursery, drama workshops, and modelling new language.

Staff introduce new vocabulary, such as 'shiny' and 'enormous', when describing stars in the water tray, or 'over' and 'under' when children make maps. This supports children to make exceptional progress in their language development. Children form strong bonds with staff.

Due to staff's high expectations of children's behaviour, they treat each other kindly and with respect. Children are extremely responsive to staff's expectations and what staff want them to achieve. Children are considerate with each other and continuously use excellent manners.

For example, when adding stars to play dough, children politely ask, 'please can I have a tiny baby one'. Children are extremely confident at expressing their thoughts, and use rich vocabulary. Staff support this by planning activities in the environment that excite and engage children.

For example, while making maps, children confidently give each other instructions and use words such as 'left' and 'right' to help them to find the treasure. Children demonstrate excellent communication skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children develop a love of reading through regular opportunities to listen to stories and rhymes.

Staff read focus stories in an exciting and engaging manner. They consider how to make their stories interactive and ensure that children learn new language and enjoy stories. For example, staff encourage children during an activity to pretend to be the dragon from a story and blow fire.

All children learn new language during the regular sharing of songs and stories.Staff carefully plan connections with the wider community, and children learn about the diverse community they live in. They learn how to interact and communicate with those who have different needs to them.

For example, children sing songs or make Easter bonnets with residents in the local care home. These visits help children to interact with older adults and gain the skills to show empathy.Staff carefully consider the curriculum for physical development.

For example, children cut their own fruit, take part in regular dough discos, and participate in flower arranging to strengthen their arm and hand muscles. They have visits from specialist sports coaches each week, and regularly attend forest-school and movement and music sessions. This helps children to develop their balance and hand-eye coordination, and make excellent progress in their physical development.

The provision for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is exemplary. Staff are skilled at identifying children's specific needs early. They work with the local authority, advisory teachers, and parents to implement strategies to support children's needs.

For example, staff support children to learn how to communicate using Makaton alongside visual aids. Leaders carefully consider staffing to ensure that the right support is provided to help children to reach their individual next steps in learning. This helps all children to make excellent progress.

Partnership with parents is exceptionally strong. Parents speak incredibly highly of the setting. They compliment the staff's warm and caring nature.

Parents value the regular sharing of information about their child's progress and how staff provide extensive support to extend the children's learning at home. For example, staff share the weekly focus books, so that children can read them at home.Leaders provide staff with exceptional professional development opportunities to ensure that best practice is consistent throughout the setting.

They regularly monitor staff's practice and identify any targeted training that staff require. This enables and supports staff to implement excellent practice.Leaders place a great emphasis on staff's well-being.

There are strong and positive working relationships with all members of staff. Leaders work collaboratively with staff and are always available should staff have any concerns. This creates a positive working environment.

Staff enjoy coming to work and strive to help children to flourish.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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