Alresford Breakfast and Afterschool club

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About Alresford Breakfast and Afterschool club

Name Alresford Breakfast and Afterschool club
Address Sun Hill Junior School, Sun Lane, ALRESFORD, Hampshire, SO24 9NB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are clearly pleased to see their key person after their school day.

Children know the expectations that staff have for them, listening carefully to instructions as they walk to the club base. They know where to securely store their belongings and sign in. Children are eager to look around the rooms, choosing where to play and what to play with.

They are quietly confident in the busy club environment, and swiftly settle in to relax and play. Older children include the younger children in their games. They are caring and kind, offering encouragement and celebrating with them, such as when they win the game.

...>Children benefit from attentive staff, who are close by for support and who are positive role models. Children behave well. Children of all ages play cooperatively together.

They enjoy exciting activities, such as table football games, and using the large range of craft resources. Staff provide a wide variety of activities, experiences and resources for children at the club. Children can relax quietly or join in with active games outdoors.

There is something for everyone at the well planned and smoothly run club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has clear aims for the club. She hopes to provide a safe space for children to develop and learn through play, complementing their learning at school.

Staff contribute to the daily running of the club, such as through their daily evaluations, and children have a 'wish list' book for their opinions. The provider is reflective, making carefully considered use of this valuable feedback. She makes changes and plans for ongoing development to enhance children's time at the club even further.

Staff take the time to listen to and talk to children, getting to know them well as individuals. Little pockets of cosy conversations are observed throughout the club as children and staff enjoy each other's company. Staff know what children like to do and where they like to play.

Staff are willing partners to play games, or sit and chat. Children's emotional well-being is very effectively supported and children show they feel safe at the club.Parents comment very positively about the support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities have.

They report that the club is a safe and nurturing space for their children, allowing them to develop and flourish.Staff plan activities for children to capture their interest, linking to what they are learning at school and the world around them. For instance, children enjoy the challenge of transforming a twig into an autumnal tree.

Children have free access to an extensive range of resources, allowing them to choose what materials to work with. Children are self-motivated to have a go and show pride in their achievements. They share with the inspector how much they enjoy attending the club and meeting their friends there.

Children's safety is a high priority. Staff use walkie-talkies, for example, to help them know where children are at all times. Children know to sign themselves out of the club base, for instance, when they go outdoors to play.

Staff and the provider monitor any accidents, looking for ways to minimise risks in the future.Staff promote children's good health effectively. They support good hygiene habits, such as washing hands before eating.

Staff provide children with a variety of hot or cold snacks, nutritionally complementing school meals. Snack time is a busy social occasion, where children and staff have lively conversations.Parents have a warm welcome from staff as they arrive to collect their children.

Parents know who their children's key person is and have regular written communication from them. However, parents report they do not often see their children's key person to talk to. This slows down building partnerships between key staff and parents.

A thorough induction process and ongoing supervisions enables the provider to monitor staff quality effectively. Staff feel valued and supported by the provider. They are encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge, such as through training opportunities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff recruitment is robust. The provider follows a safer recruitment process to ensure staff are suitable to work with children.

The provider ensures staff have suitable knowledge to keep children safe and promote their well-being at all times. Staff have a secure understanding of possible indicators of harm. They know how and where to report any concerns they have about children's welfare.

Staff are confident in knowing how to whistle-blow if they have concerns about any staff, or the provider. Staff are fully involved in safeguarding, taking part as a team in auditing the procedures they have at the club. This proactive approach helps to ensure all staff place safeguarding children as their top priority in the club.

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