Always Growing Ltd

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About Always Growing Ltd

Name Always Growing Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Windsor Boys School, 1 Maidenhead Road, Windsor, SL4 5EH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WindsorandMaidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at nursery with excitement and enthusiasm. They receive a warm welcome from the friendly and caring staff team.

This nurturing approach really helps children to feel at ease and settle in quickly. They are very confident and growing in independence. Staff praise children for their efforts, helping to build their self-esteem and confidence.

Older children enjoy playing with their room staff, who use children's interests as a starting point for learning. Staff have developed play spaces to provide good learning opportunities such as helping mobility in the younger room. Children are encouraged to be indep...endent.

For example, babies feed themselves and have developed good physical skills as they drink from the small glasses and gain fresh air, both in the indoor and outdoor play areas. They use the space to move, run, walk and climb safely. Behaviour is good overall, and children develop firm friendships with their peers and staff.

Children sing along to familiar songs. They pick out farm animals, name them and talk about how they look. Children have access to numerous opportunities, including a varied range of messy play and toys, to stimulate their imagination.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders support staff effectively with regular well-being and supervision meetings. This includes prioritising time for professional development to help staff build on the skills they plan to develop.Leaders and staff are ambitious.

Overall, they reflect well on the effectiveness of the nursery and how they can continue to develop and improve. Leaders and staff are looking forward to the plans to develop the outdoor play area. They gather feedback from the parents and children and use this to help identify improvements.

Parents are very positive and say that their children really enjoy their time at the nursery.Staff meet the care needs of children. They gather information on the babies' routines from the start, helping to tailor care effectively.

Young children develop an enjoyment of books and stories. Babies show excitement and anticipation of what comes next in their facial expressions during favourite stories. Overall, staff engage well with the children.

However, they are not always consistent when interacting with children during play to extend their communication and language skills and help children to learn new words and extend their vocabulary.Staff plan good routines in the nursery to support children to understand what comes next. Children's transitions between rooms are smooth.

However, staff do not plan transitions between activities as effectively. Therefore, children become restless and are not fully engaged in their learning.Staff promote children's love of being active both indoors and outdoors.

They encourage children to challenge themselves by considering how they set up the balance equipment inside. This promotes children's strength and coordination. Children have fun as they kick and throw balls with each other.

Children have the freedom to choose what they want to do. They express their preferences and decisions. Children take part in activities, such as pretend cooking, and are treated equally.

This helps to support their emotional and social development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders provide opportunities for staff to undertake regular safeguarding training to keep the children in their care safe.

Staff know what to do if they identify concerns that may indicate children are at risk, and they know the professionals they must report concerns to. Staff recruitment is robust. Leaders follow effective procedures to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children.

This includes monitoring staff's ongoing suitability. Staff help children to develop the skills they need to keep themselves safe as they play. They place a high priority on keeping children safe.

Children remove any identified hazards, including in the outdoor area. This helps to provide a safe environment for children to play in.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nincrease opportunities for children to build their vocabulary and develop their language skills, so they benefit from a language-rich environment plan transitions during the day more effectively so that children are engaged in their learning at all times.

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