Amazing Kids Club

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About Amazing Kids Club

Name Amazing Kids Club
Address 34 Theydon Road, London, Hackney, E5 9NA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision does not meet requirements Children's welfare and safety is compromised at the setting.

Leaders do not ensure staff understand their safeguarding responsibilities and other requirements are not met. This means children's safety can not be assured. Leaders suitably prepare the play environment.

They ensure children have access to a variety of age-appropriate activities and fresh drinking water.Children enjoy their time at the club and arrive happily. They hold friendly conversations with each other in their home languages as they play and interact.

They show respect for staff and handle the resources and toys carefully.Staff communic...ate the expectations for children's behaviour and conduct appropriately. They encourage children's positive engagement with various activities offered.

Children enjoy each other's company as they play board games, compete at air hockey and table-top football. They concentrate and focus to complete intricate puzzles together.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff do not know the correct procedure to follow should an allegation be made against a colleague or those with designated safeguarding lead roles.

They do not know the correct local area safeguarding agencies to escalate any concerns they have to. This does not demonstrate they will take the correct child protection action should a child be at risk of harm.The provider's arrangements for transporting children to and from the setting puts them at unnecessary risk.

This is because the provider fails to ensure there is always at least one qualified first aider present to accompany children.Leaders supervision and monitoring arrangements for staff is poor. Staff do not receive training or professional development opportunities to improve their knowledge or childcare practice further.

This does not ensure the quality of children's play experiences continues to improve.The provider has a written policy for equal opportunities. However, in practice this is not followed.

The provision is not open and accessible to all children. The provider does not comply with the legal provisions of the Equality Act 2010.Parent partnerships are ineffective.

Leaders update parents about children's activities and routines at the club via electronic messages. However, there is no communication between the club and other settings children attend. Consequently, there is no system to support a two-way flow of information between the club, parents and other providers.

This does not ensure the needs of all children are met.The club manager, who is also the provider, does not ensure children's correct dates of birth are recorded on their registration information. This is a breach of a requirement for information and records.

The provider carries out regular risks assessments of the indoor environment. Leaders identify hazards and take measures to address them so children can safely play.Children listen to staff and follow their instructions.

They have regard for the adults and the club setting. Children willingly work together to help staff tidy away the resources at the end of the session.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.

There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is not meeting requirements and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure all staff know and follow the correct procedure to follow should an allegation be made against those with lead safeguarding responsibility 19/03/2024 improve arrangements for supervision and monitoring of staff so they develop their childcare knowledge and skill and the quality of children's play experiences continues to improve 19/03/2024 ensure at least one qualified first aider is present at all times when caring for children, including when they are being transported to and from the setting 19/03/2024 comply with the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 by ensuring the provision is open and accessible to all children 19/03/2024 improve parent partnerships and ensure there is two-way flow of communication between club staff and the other settings children attend so their individual needs are met effectively 19/03/2024 ensure all children's dates of birth are recorded accurately on their registration information.


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