Apple Daycare Newgate Street Village

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About Apple Daycare Newgate Street Village

Name Apple Daycare Newgate Street Village
Ofsted Inspections
Address Newgate Street Village Hall, Newgate Street, Newgate Street Village, Hertfordshire, SG13 8RA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Throughout their time at this exciting nursery, children remain deeply engaged in a wealth of wonderful learning opportunities.

This is because staff work exceptionally hard to create a language-rich and ambitious environment based on children's interests and learning needs. Children become deeply absorbed as they investigate plastic sea creatures in a tank of water. Staff skilfully develop children's vocabulary and knowledge of pollution.

They discuss the 'slimy' cleaning fluids and the 'greasy' oil children pour into the tank. Together, they explore the negative effects they have on the creatures and their hab...itat.Children delight in completing tasks independently.

They rush to clear away activities when they hear their tidy-up song. Toddlers use cutlery with confidence, pour drinks, and clear their plates away after meals and snacks. Children demonstrate these exceptional skills because staff work tirelessly to ensure that routines are firmly embedded into the day.

Leaders and staff work hard to establish a highly effective key-person system. This enables children to form exceptionally close bonds with staff, who demonstrate a deep understanding of their individual needs. As a result, children flourish in their nurturing care.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities benefit from highly experienced and knowledgeable one-to-one support. This enables them to make excellent progress from their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are incredibly confident and relish in exploring new situations and activities.

They warmly welcome visitors to their nursery and delight at engaging with them in play. Staff support these wonderful dispositions by creating an environment where children's opinions are valued. For example, children and staff explore science activities together.

They discuss the effects vinegar may have when added to paints and baking powder. Children are encouraged to take the lead and experiment with their ideas.Partnerships with parents are of an exceptionally high standard.

Parents comment on how well informed they are about children's progress and the time they spend in the nursery. They praise leaders and staff for the wonderful relationships they form with children and the immense support they offer families.Inspirational leaders and managers are passionate about their role in supporting staff development.

Staff benefit from highly effective training programmes. These support them in delivering exceptional care and teaching to all children. Staff well-being is of the utmost importance to leaders.

The provider implements sensitive and well-considered strategies to ensure that staff are happy in their roles and morale remains high.Children's emotional development is embedded in staff practice. Throughout the day, children are encouraged to discuss not only their feelings, but also the impact their actions may have on the feelings of others.

This supports children's impeccable behaviour and the development of a deep sense of empathy. For example, children explore a flower shop role-play activity. They give bunches of flowers to their friends and staff because they know it will make them happy.

Children swiftly identify those who have not received any and rush to present them with their beautiful bouquets.Staff differentiate children's learning incredibly well. They deliver daily focused sessions that provide an appropriate level of challenge to those who participate.

During their song session, toddlers delight at joining in and copying the actions of staff. Older children participate in more structured learning. They listen intently to songs and respond appropriately to the well-considered questions staff ask.

Exceptionally strong transition and induction processes allow children to settle swiftly. Staff gather detailed information from parents to ensure they have a deep knowledge of children prior to starting. Children who move up to the nursery from the provider's setting for babies do so with a familiar member of staff.

These established bonds help children to thrive and continue to make excellent progress.Staff engage exceptionally well with other professionals and work hard to establish links with the local community. The manager, who is also the special educational needs coordinator, talks with immense enthusiasm about the close working relationships she has established.

She acknowledges how effective partnerships are integral to supporting children's excellent progress.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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