Applemore Early Years Centre

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About Applemore Early Years Centre

Name Applemore Early Years Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Applemore Recreation Centre, Claypits Lane, Dibden, Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 5TN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive confidently and greet staff positively. They form secure attachments with an allocated key-person who ensure children's needs are met.

This enables children to feel safe and secure. Children enjoy a range of exciting activities that are tailored to their interests. For example, children participate in sensory activities linked to 'Incy Wincy Spider'.

They explore bugs in ice and name the creatures. They talk about how the ice feels and use tools to break the ice. Children develop friendships and an understanding of teamwork.

They work together sharing ideas and modelling skills.Children benefit... from a language-rich environment. Staff actively engage children in communication and language and introduce new words.

For example, during group time activities, staff use children's curiosity to capture their attention. Children enjoy taking turns to guess which objects are in the box, experimenting with language skills. Children behave well and are generally considerate of others.

They are able to follow rules and procedures. For instance, staff remind children to put their hand's up to answer questions. Children develop a good understanding of independence and are supported by staff to look after their individual needs.

For example, on entering the provision children find their named photo star and place it by a peg. They hang up their coats and put away their belongings. During snack routines, children wash and dry their hands, collect their cup, and choose from a selection of healthy foods.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provision has a highly effective key-person system in place. They are responsible for hand overs and help to settle children during sessions. Staff know children well.

For example, leaders conduct home visits and establish a good understanding of what children know and can do. Staff observe, plan and identify gaps in children's learning. This enables them to develop next steps for children's learning.

Staff have formed secure relationships with parents and work together in partnership. For example, when planning for activities which are based on children's interests, staff encourage parents to think of ideas for activities. This ensures that parents feel included in children's learning and experiences.

Staff provide regular feedback to parents. For instance, staff inform parents of progress through daily feedback, termly reports and parents' consultation meetings. During the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders were proactive in ensuring children and families were supported.

For instance, they arranged places for children of key-worker parents to attend other early years settings and delivered home learning packs to children. Parent highly praise the dedicated staff.The manager has a clear vision for the provision and knows the strengths and weaknesses.

She is proactive in ensuring that staff knowledge and understanding is updated regularly through training and supervision. For example, she recognises that less experienced staff require further training to develop their knowledge and understanding. As a result, she has set up a buddy system so that more experienced staff can be mentors.

This will help develop the confidence of staff and help to establish good working relationships.Overall children are motivated and keen to learn. Staff provide good opportunities for children to explore the rich variety of resources on offer.

However, staff are not consistent in their approach to ensure children are engaged and focused. As a result, children do not consistently engage in purposeful learning.Staff provide children with opportunities to develop their physical skills and learn about the world.

For example, children enjoy experimenting with movement outdoors and develop an understanding of how to keep themselves healthy. Children enjoy growing a variety of plants in the planting area, such as blackberries, chives and rosemary. They participate in bug hunts and learn about season changes.

Staff ensure that children gain a sense of community and develop respect and tolerance for different faiths and beliefs. For example, before the COVID-19 pandemic, children visited elderly residents of a local care home and sang Christmas songs to them. This helps to build connections and improves the well-being of children and the elderly.

Children develop an understanding of different cultures through planned activities and celebrations. For instance, children celebrated the Queen's Jubilee and helped organise a garden party for families to attend.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have implemented safer recruitment procedures when employing staff. Visitors to the setting enter via an entrance fitted with an intercom and camera monitor. This ensures that staff are aware of who is entering the provision.

Staff demonstrate good knowledge of the signs and symptoms of abuse and understand the procedure to follow if concerned about a child's safety. Leaders have implemented safer recruitment measures. This ensures that staff are suitable to work with children.

The manager ensures all staff are trained in paediatric first aid and receive safeguarding training. This further ensures that children are safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure all staff are proactive in motivating children in purposeful learning to ensure outcomes for children are improved further.

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