Ashburton Playgroup

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About Ashburton Playgroup

Name Ashburton Playgroup
Ofsted Inspections
Address 246A Cortis Road, LONDON, SW15 3AY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children demonstrate positive attitudes to their play and learning. They arrive at the playgroup happy and enthusiastic; they settle quickly and are keen to join in with their friends.

Children feel safe and secure, and eagerly explore the activities provided. Staff provide an environment that helps children to learn, develop skills and achieve. Staff obtain information about children's needs when they first start at the playgroup and, subsequently, assess children's learning regularly.

They use this information to plan activities that excite and enable children to extend their learning. Children have many opportunitie...s to practise new skills and build on their own learning. For example, children enjoy role play in the home corner.

Children develop good hygiene routines and understanding, and older children independently carry out self-care tasks. Children are confident and behave well. They learn about taking turns, and sharing toys and resources.

Children are polite and play cooperatively with their peers. They feel safe and secure.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff build strong bonds with children.

This helps them to feel emotionally secure, and supports them to settle quickly into the playgroup's routine.Staff provide children with a range of experiences and opportunities. For example, children thoroughly enjoy spending time with their peers in a well-organised and interesting environment.

They learn about the importance of being physically active. Staff take children to the local park, where they have opportunities to use equipment and resources that help strengthen children's large-muscle skills, and build their stamina.Staff are positive role models.

They are kind and thoughtful in their interactions with the children. Staff provide children with regular and appropriate praise and encouragement. They comment positively on children's good behaviours, thanking children and acknowledging their acts of kindness.

Staff provide a stimulating curriculum based on what children already know, what they can do and need to learn next. Children make good progress, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. However, although staff support children's language development, this is not consistent across all activities.

This is especially the case in group activities, where staff do not use questions or a wide range of vocabulary. This does not support children to extend their thinking and speaking skills to even higher levels.Partnerships with parents and other professionals are strong and support good continuity for children.

Staff regularly share information with parents and professionals to provide them with a clear picture of children's progress. Parents are encouraged to continue their children's learning at home and share their child's achievements. Parents comment on the good support their children receive from staff.

Children demonstrate good levels of confidence and self-assurance. For example, they competently wash their hands before eating. Staff support children's health and well-being effectively.

Children are active and are encouraged to develop healthy lifestyles. They enjoy nutritious and well-balanced snacks.Staff provide children with many opportunities to mark make and to develop skills that support writing.

For example, they access a range of tools that help to develop their finger grip. Children develop their creative and imagination skills well. For instance, they make Christmas cards and join in role play.

However, staff do not make the most of routine activities to help children develop their awareness of shapes and measurements. This limits children's opportunities to enhance their mathematical skills.The manager meets with staff regularly and provides effective support to promote their professional development.

She ensures that staff workloads are manageable. Staff report that they enjoy their work. They access a good range of training opportunities, and are encouraged to use their new knowledge to develop their teaching skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good knowledge of safeguarding. They undertake regular training, and review safeguarding policies and procedures so they are always up to date.

Staff understand how to identify and report any concerns about a child's welfare. They know the risks posed to children from being exposed to extremist views or practices. Staff have taken effective steps to ensure children are safe when using technology.

Robust recruitment and vetting procedures ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff ensure all areas of the playgroup are safe and secure at all times.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help children to develop their vocabulary and speaking skills more effectively to take their learning to the next level provide children with opportunities to become more aware of shapes and measurements to extend their mathematical skills.

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