Ashton Gate Out of School Care

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About Ashton Gate Out of School Care

Name Ashton Gate Out of School Care
Address Caretakers House, Ashton Gate Road, Ashton Gate, Bristol, BS3 1SZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff gather useful information from teachers when they collect children from school. Children eagerly greet the staff. They walk sensibly back to the club, keen to play with their friends.

Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the welcoming, inclusive club where they thrive. Highly-skilled and well-qualified staff know the children extremely well and provide a vast array of exciting and interesting activities. These are based on children's interests.

Children choose whether to be inside or outside and staff make sure they are always appropriately supervised to keep them safe. Settling-in procedures are excellent. Staff ...have made a photographic book about the club, which is available in the school.

This helps children who are not so confident familiarise themselves and feel reassured about the club. Children are allocated a key person who is responsible for their care and well-being. Staff foster extremely positive relationships with the children and make sure their individual needs are met very well.

Staff are kind, caring and patient. They work very well as a team and are good role models for the children. They take a genuine interest in what children do and say and they strive to provide the best possible experiences for them.

Children's behaviour is exemplary. They share and take turns and are kind to each other. The older children are mindful of the younger children's needs.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff safely escort children to the club where they are familiar with the routines. On arrival, children hang up their coats and settle down for 'talk time'. This is where they share their news and staff tell them about the activities on offer.

Children enjoy a healthy snack before deciding on where they want to play.Parents are extremely complimentary about the care provided. They report that their children absolutely love attending and it is very difficult to prise them away at the end of the session.

They particularly value the 'fabulous staff who provide a first-class service'. They appreciate the wealth of useful information that is shared in a variety of different ways.Staff do their utmost to make sure the club is inclusive.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are made to feel very welcome. Staff provide attentive, individualised support, which helps children access all activities.Children talk positively about their time at the club.

They say that it is 'such fun' and the staff 'are really nice'. Children squeal with laughter as they play 'What's The Time Mrs Wolf'. Children concentrate as they colour in 'emotion hearts' and confidently talk about their feelings and what might make them sad or happy.

There is a strong focus on supporting emotional well-being. Mindfulness sessions are run for staff and children. Staff report they have found the regular sessions beneficial and that they feel it has had a positive impact on making the team even stronger.

They say they feel appreciated and valued. Children's concentration, confidence and self-esteem have developed significantly since attending sessions.The manager has an accurate overview of what works well and continually strives to provide an excellent service.

She is supported well by the committee members. The needs of staff are considered exceptionally well. Staff attend weekly team meetings, have regular supervision and can access a wide range of training to help with their professional development.

Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active. They skilfully ride tricycles around cones and enjoy using the apparatus and climbing wall. They also learn football skills and are confident to hop and jump.

Children benefit from yoga sessions which improves their flexibility and strengthens their muscles.Children work collaboratively as they build with bricks. They negotiate and talk to each other about how they share pieces.

They show high levels of focus and engagement as they create a house with a slide and swing for the pretend monkeys. Children are taught about how to respect their planet. Staff run a 'green club' and teach children how to use recycled materials to make eco bricks.

Children have a comfortable, quiet area where they can relax if they are tired. They enjoy reading books in the cosy corner.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have an in-depth knowledge of the action to take if they have a concern about a child's welfare. They attend training to keep their knowledge and skills up to date. Child protection is on the agenda at team meetings and they have a regular quiz to check current knowledge.

Telephone numbers of agencies that deal with child protection concerns are displayed. Thorough risk assessments are completed to keep children safe. The premises are secure and there are effective systems to make sure that only known adults collect children.

Also at this postcode
Ashton Gate Primary School

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