Barracudas Twickenham (Waldegrave)

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About Barracudas Twickenham (Waldegrave)

Name Barracudas Twickenham (Waldegrave)
Address Waldegrave School, Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority RichmonduponThames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy a range of exciting activities, available both indoors and outdoors. They are happy when they arrive and are welcomed by friendly staff. The adults are sensitive to the children and listen to them.

They build strong bonds with the children, helping them to feel safe and secure.Staff engage with all children and ensure that activities are suitable for each child's age and ability. Children take part in various activities, for example fencing, archery, pottery and tennis.

Staff promote both the physical and emotional health of the children, by carefully listening to them and acknowledging their feelings. Staff... promote healthy eating and ensure children learn the importance of keeping hydrated throughout the day. Children's personal hygiene is also supported.

For example, children are encouraged to wash their hands between activities and before mealtimes.Managers and leaders make sure parents are fully informed about the activities. Parents provide positive comments and share that their child's needs and interests are met.

The staff morale is high, which creates a happy environment for children to enjoy.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The Manager and leaders are committed to delivering a high-quality service. They monitor staff performance through weekly observations.

The staff are happy with the support they receive to promote their development and well-being. Staff are rewarded for their efforts and are motivated to do a good job. There is a robust induction and training process to support staff in keeping their knowledge up to date.

Children listen well and understand simple instructions provided by staff for the different activities available. They respect and help each other and work as a team. Adults are good role models and have a good team spirit.

Staff are attentive to the children and have high expectations of them. For example, children are encouraged to share views about what ground rules they want to use in order to keep themselves safe.Staff use a variety of resources and tools to ensure children are interested in the available activities.

For example, they use a visual timetable, which helps children to understand what is coming next. As a result, the children understand the routine and are able to make choices about the activities they want to take part in. Children show that they are independent and confident though the choices that they make.

The staff use the children's feedback to plan for the next week. They introduce various weekly themes. For example, heroes and villains.

The children are encouraged to take part in arts and crafts activities, such as drawing and making masks and capes. The staff are attentive to the children's needs, however, they do not always ensure an alternative activity is offered if a child loses interest in what is provided.Staff ensure that they provide a safe and secure environment by carrying out vigorous daily risk assessments and checking that the equipment is safe to used.

Fire drills take place on a weekly basis so that children are familiar with what they have to do. Staff provide instructions and encourage children to take appropriate safety measures when needed. Children learn how to keep themselves and others safe.

The staff follow strict COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic guidelines. There is a one-way system in and out of the setting and cleaning checks are carried out throughout the day. The children are encouraged to practise social distancing.

The manager and leaders gather important information from parents before the child starts. This helps to ensure that children's individual interests and needs are met when planning activities. During lockdowns, parents received online video activities to support their child's home learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and managers follow a robust recruitment process. The staff receive clear induction and training to ensure they are suitable to work with children.

Staff have strong knowledge about how to identify whether a child has been abused and to whom to report their concerns. They understand the wider issues involved in safeguarding, thereby, reducing the risk for children. Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure children are supervised.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Perfoming Arts Twick Waldegrave School

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