Barton Day Nurseries Limited

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About Barton Day Nurseries Limited

Name Barton Day Nurseries Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Kiddiwinks Nursery, 2 Lower Lane, Liverpool, Lancashire, L9 7AD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The dedicated leadership team have worked hard with the staff to address weaknesses raised at the previous inspection. As a result, the provision is much improved.

Children arrive at the safe and stimulating setting full of smiles. They gleefully greet staff at the door and confidently wave goodbye to their parents. Children understand what it expected of them.

For example, they take off their own coats and hats and hang these up on their own coat peg. Children excitedly enter their dedicated rooms, immediately find their friends and settle to play. Babies love to snuggle into their key person and enjoy one-to-one time... with the staff.

Toddlers and pre-school children demonstrate high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. For example, they introduce themselves to visitors and are interested and inquisitive about why they are at the setting.Staff implement a well-balanced and flexible curriculum.

They place a sharp focus on helping children to develop key skills, such as their communication and language, physical and social skills. As a result, all children, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, develop particularly well in these areas.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff help children to develop a love of books.

Babies enjoy sitting with staff and when asked, they correctly point out what they can see on the pages. Older children chose their favourite stories to look at independently. Staff read enthusiastically and leave pauses in the stories as they read.

Children delight as they recall their favourite parts and demonstrate understanding, as they fill in the missing parts of the story.Children are confident communicators. Babies babble with delight as they play in the water tray.

Staff use single words, such as 'splash' and 'pat' to build on their vocabulary and understanding. Toddlers use simple phrases, such as 'more please', as they request another drink or more food. Pre-school children speak with increased confidence.

For example, they introduce themselves to the inspector and relish telling her their names, ages and what they enjoy doing while at the setting.In the main, children's independence is supported. Babies and toddlers are encouraged to feed themselves and help with tasks, such as dressing themselves.

Toddlers wipe their own noses when prompted by staff. Pre-school children help themselves to water from the water dispenser and are keen to have a go at zipping up their own coats. However, the way in which some routine times of the day are organised does not allow children further opportunities to build on their existing skills even further.

Children love the outdoors, and in particular the weekly 'Physical Education' session. Children gain an appreciation of nature and living things. For example, when children find a ladybird in the garden, they demonstrate maturity as they carefully handle the insect.

Children remind each other to be quiet, so not to scare it away. Following this, they observe and talk about its unique features with staff before gently placing it in the 'bug hotel'.Children behave well and demonstrate care and respect for one another.

For example, toddlers hand cups of water to their friends. Pre-school children diligently follow the settings safety procedures. For example, they line up, and with support from the staff complete a headcount of who is present.

Children have good manners and say 'please' and 'thank you' without prompts from the staff.Children develop well in mathematics. This is because staff weave mathematical concepts into play and routines.

For example, when children find a spider outside, staff encourage them to count the number of legs it has. In addition, children count out how many cups they need as they help set the table and estimate how many scoops of water it will take to fill a container.The dedicated manager, along with good support from the provider, have made positive changes to the setting.

These include training staff and providing them with some relevant support and coaching. Overall, these have had a positive impact on the quality of education provided for all children who attend. Staff will now benefit from further targeted supervision and monitoring to help raise all staffs' practice to the highest levels across the setting.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have attended risk assessment training and implement the setting's risk assessment procedures robustly. For example, baby and toddler staff check that items used for play are suitable and safe.

Older children demonstrate they understand how to stay safe. For instance, as they prepare to go outdoors, children know to find a partner, make a line, and walk sensibly to the door. Staff understand their roles and responsibilities to safeguard children.

Most staff hold a valid paediatric first aid qualification. These further ensure children's safety and well-being.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen current arrangements for staff supervision and coaching to further support staff to develop their quality of education practice to the highest levels review how some routine times of the day are carried out so that children have even more opportunities to build on their existing independence and self-help skills.

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