Beechwood Childcare Limited, St. Patricks

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About Beechwood Childcare Limited, St. Patricks

Name Beechwood Childcare Limited, St. Patricks
Ofsted Inspections
Address St. Patricks Rc Primary School, Cashmore Avenue, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 3EU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Warwickshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this highly stimulating and awe-inspiring nursery.

They arrive excitedly and benefit from the nurturing relationships they build with staff and key persons. This helps children to feel safe and secure. Children laugh and cheer as they play outside with the water wall.

They expertly use the pump to pour water. Children thoroughly enjoy exploring this inspiring environment and engage with the vast array of activities on offer. Children develop confidence extremely well.

They delight in sharing their experiences of learning with each other. Opportunities to develop independence and commu...nication skills are abundant. Children delight in listening to stories and are keen to join in with familiar nursery rhymes.

Staff use a number of visual prompts and simple 'signing' to further support their communication. Children behave exceptionally well. They routinely share and take turns, showing great patience.

Children create and follow their own nursery rules. They consistently use impeccable manners. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive excellent support.

Staff are knowledgeable about what children need to learn next and provide children with an innovative and engaging curriculum. As a result, all children develop an enthusiasm and love for learning. Children enjoy talking about an ice activity they have observed.

They exclaim 'it has melted!' and 'it is cold' as they excitedly talk to each other about how this might have happened.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make consistently rapid progress in their development. Their enthusiasm to learn is infectious.

The arrangements for key persons are highly effective. Staff know their key children exceptionally well. They plan focused activities and experiences to meet each child's learning needs and to follow children's interests.

Staff provide a rich, well thought out, and exciting curriculum. They adapt their practice to engage children and continually promote discussion and opportunities for children to share their opinions. Children speak eloquently, using their excellent speaking skills.

Staff are highly effective at finding out what children already know and can do. They use information from parents and their assessments of learning to plan a range of well-sequenced activities to further support children's learning and development. Staff place a high priority on inclusivity, equality and the promotion of British values.

This helps children to learn about others in our communities and develop a tolerance for the similarities and differences in people. Children learn about what makes them unique.The outside area is used exceptionally well.

Children develop physical skills using a range of climbing and balancing equipment. They learn to care for the environment by planting and watering flowers, observing hedgehog houses and maintaining bird feeders. They also enjoy playing in the 'kitchen' and use their imaginations to make their own compost.

The manager is extremely reflective. She is keen to make unlimited and continual improvements to the setting in order to enhance children's experiences. She has put many of these plans into place already.

The manager uses the additional funding that is received highly effectively to maximise children's specific learning and development opportunities.The manager uses her knowledge of strengths in her staff team to deploy them effectively across the setting. Staff concentrate their efforts on ensuring children receive the best possible early years education.

The process for supporting children with SEND is outstanding. The staff team are incredibly passionate about ensuring all children are part of an inclusive environment and go above and beyond to put effective support into place. There is an enhanced transition process for children with SEND to support their move into primary school.

Staff work in partnership with specialist services and parents to ensure the children receive the highest quality provision.Parents speak extremely highly of the setting. They praise the support they have received and are delighted with the progress children have made since starting the setting.

Parents say they know what their children are currently learning in preparation for their futures.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff are highly committed to their responsibilities to protect children from harm.

Health and safety are a high priority. All staff know signs and symptoms that may indicate abuse. They demonstrate a robust knowledge of procedures they must follow if they have a concern about a child's welfare.

Staff know the procedures to follow should a concern arise about the conduct of a colleague. Robust recruitment procedures are followed to ensure the suitability of staff to work with children. Staff are vigilant to check the nursery to ensure it is safe and secure for children.

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