Birstall Rainbow Nursery

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About Birstall Rainbow Nursery

Name Birstall Rainbow Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address 68 - 74 Wanlip Lane, Birstall, Leicestershire, LE4 4GF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leicestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happily at the nursery, demonstrating they feel safe and secure.

The staff warmly welcome the children and play calming music. This helps children to settle quickly. Children have good relationships with the staff.

They smile in delight and laugh as staff say, 'You go and hide now,' during a game of hide and seek. Children are making good progress. They develop their physical skills.

For example, younger children jump and climb in the ball pool. Older children run and catch bubbles outside. They push prams and trolleys up and down the hill.

Children balance on planks and crates with th...e help of the caring staff. Children practise using their small-muscle skills as they squeeze play dough and hold brushes and tools to paint. Children are learning to love books.

They develop their listening skills as staff read a familiar story about a shark. Children recall and join in with words from the story. They act out the story in the garden, using props such as a telescope.

Children make good relationships with each other. They behave well and are learning to share and take turns. Younger children watch and wave to their older friends through the window.

Children use manners, such as saying 'please' and 'thank you'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children learn mathematical language. For example, they say numbers as they look at the hopscotch game in the garden.

Staff sing number songs and rhymes with younger children.Staff plan a range of activities to help children develop their small-muscle skills. Older children gather around a large roll of paper to make marks with the paint.

They choose brushes, dabbers and sponges to paint with. The staff encourage older children to take their time and explore their ideas. However, during some art and craft activities, staff overly direct younger children.

They do not allow younger children to explore their own creative ideas and interests.Overall, staff ensure they promote children's language and communication. They sit with children and encourage them to talk about their pictures as they draw their favourite pets.

Staff read the children a story about a giant. They listen to children and encourage them to talk about the story. However, staff do not always help younger children to say their first words clearly.

For example, children are encouraged to speak with a dummy in their mouth during a painting activity. This means young children struggle to form and say words clearly.Children are learning how to keep healthy and be independent.

They know to wash their hands before eating. Staff provide children with healthy snacks, such as apples, oranges, pears and milk. Older children serve themselves lunch.

They confidently help themselves to knives and forks and pour water from a jug into open cups. Staff encourage the children to put on their coats.Staff have a good relationship with the children and know them well.

They cradle babies to help them to fall asleep. The caring staff cuddle children when they are hurt or upset. Staff encourage children to talk about their emotions, such as when they are happy and sad.

Children know the rules of the nursery and behave well. For example, children wait patiently on the carpet for staff to call their names for lunchtime. Staff encourage children to use 'listening ears' and good manners.

Parents state they feel well supported and informed. Children can take books and song sheets home from the nursery lending library. Parents state the staff help with advice to support children's potty training at home.

Staff provide parents with activities to extend children's learning, such as growing seeds. Managers organise events for parents to join, for example a bonfire night and a trip to a local Indian restaurant.The manager is enthusiastic and reflects on practice to make improvements.

She uses additional funding effectively to support children's learning. Leaders and managers adapt the environment to meet the interests of the children. For example, they notice older babies like to climb and have introduced a ball pool to support this interest.

Staff state they feel supported by the manager and are offered regular supervision. The manager organises training for staff to improve their practice. For example, staff have recently attended a course to promote children's physical activity.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a sound knowledge of safeguarding and know what signs of abuse to look for. They are aware of their responsibilities in keeping children safe.

Staff are confident in recording and reporting any concerns to the relevant professionals. They confidently speak about local safeguarding issues, such as the 'Prevent' duty, female genital mutilation and county lines. Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to ensure that staff are suitable to carry out their roles.

Children are well supervised to ensure they remain safe. The nursery is secure, and there are clear visitor procedures.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenable younger children to explore during art and craft activities and develop their own creative ideas strengthen support for younger children to build on the range of words they know and to practise their language skills.

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