Bright Gems Nursery

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About Bright Gems Nursery

Name Bright Gems Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Lea Valley Technopark, Block 3 Lea Valley, Ashley Road, TOTTENHAM, London, N17 9LN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happily as the warm and caring staff welcome them into the nursery. They separate from their parents and carers confidently.

This shows that they feel safe and secure in the environment. Staff encourage children to hang their belongings on named pegs. Children greet their friends excitedly and soon become involved in a variety of activities of their choosing.

They are kind and caring. Staff have high expectations for all the children. Staff encourage older children to make play dough.

They listen attentively to the instructions and help to prepare the activity. Children take it in turns and use... their mathematical skills to correctly count the amount of ingredients needed. Staff support children's critical thinking skills as they discuss the consistency.

Children explain, 'It's too sticky,' and work out what they can do to solve the problem together. Children love to explore the garden area. Babies splash their hands in the water, fill up containers and enjoy making castles in the sand.

Children learn to take risks, with the support of staff, as they learn how to climb the wooden climbing frame carefully. Babies confidently climb steps to reach the slide and squeal with delight as they slide down. This supports and develops children's balance and coordination skills well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and manager are very passionate about their work. Senior leaders all work and communicate very well with the staff. Using children's interests, staff plan exciting and interesting activities.

This helps to support the individual needs of children. Staff have clear learning intentions and sequence learning, and understand how to support children to manage tasks. The management team ensures that staff's well-being is paramount and continually supports professional development.

Children's independence is highly promoted. For example, babies and toddlers feed themselves at mealtimes and older children help staff to set the tables. Older children hand out plates, serve themselves at mealtimes and scrape uneaten food into the dustbin when they have finished.

Staff carefully consider the learning styles and interests of children and resource the environment with fun and stimulating activities. For instance, staff support older children to draw vertical and horizontal lines before introducing letters. Babies and toddlers eagerly roll dough and make marks in the garden using chalks.

Children are part of an inclusive setting that celebrates diversity and individuality. Staff broaden children's experiences and extend their knowledge of the wider community. Children enjoy visits to farms, local shops and a hardware store to buy items for their activities.

Staff teach children about faiths, cultures and festivals that are different to their own.Staff have formed established relationships with parents and carers. Parents comment positively and say staff are kind and caring.

They explain that their children love the variety of activities the nursery has on offer. Parents receive regular information regarding their children's day, activities and developmental progress. Staff give suggestions and activities to support children's continued learning at home.

There is a strong focus on developing children's communication and language skills. Babies giggle and babble as staff sing to them, while older children use complex language to explain how to put out a fire and who to call in an emergency. Staff ask older children lots of questions to extend their vocabulary.

However, they do not always pause to allow children the time they need to think and respond, before they answer for them.In the main, children's behaviour is good. Children are kind, polite and use their manners.

However, toddlers do not always receive consistent messages to teach them to respect their play space and resources and help provide a more inviting place to play and learn. For example, after using wet soil for a planting activity, children move on to other play areas without washing their hands. This means that books and other resources are covered with mud.

This does not support children to take care and responsibility of their own environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff can confidently explain the signs and symptoms of abuse.

They know how to report any concerns about a child's welfare. Staff complete mandatory training about child protection and safeguarding. The leadership team follows a vigorous recruitment process, ensuring the ongoing suitability of staff working with children.

All areas that children have access to are regularly risk assessed. Staff have an excellent understanding of wider safeguarding issues, such as the risks of children being exposed to extremist views and female genital mutilation.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: give older children more time to think, answer and respond, to further develop their language and conversation skills take every opportunity to teach toddlers to manage their personal care and to respect and care for the resources they use.

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