Brightstart Montessori Nursery, Scottow

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About Brightstart Montessori Nursery, Scottow

Name Brightstart Montessori Nursery, Scottow
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Old School, The Fairstead, Scottow, Norfolk, NR10 5AQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children look forward to their nursery days and settle extremely well. They quickly build strong attachments to staff, who provide nurturing care and attention.

Children develop high levels of independence. They choose activities, practice their skills and know how to put resources back in the correct place. Children benefit from carefully planned educational opportunities where they learn how to master everyday skills in the 'practical life' area of the nursery.

Children respond well to staff's open questions, which encourage them to talk about how things work. Children develop their knowledge as they listen carefully... while staff introduce the meanings of new words. Children smile and laugh as they wholeheartedly join in with the daily activity session outside.

They excitedly do star jumps and high-knee lifts and run on the spot. They join in with songs to learn about how their bodies respond to physical exercise. They confidently explain how their heart is having to work hard to pump the blood around their bodies.

Children have vast opportunities to celebrate their unique talents. They are excited to take the 'mystery box' home and bring something special from their home life to share with the other children and staff. Children confidently talk about and express their feelings.

They have a wealth of opportunities to learn to stay safe and well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider, who is also the manager, provides strong levels of support for her staff team. Staff show high levels of well-being and enjoyment in their roles.

Their professional development is carefully linked to the nursery improvement plans, which show how staff are working to develop the quality of education. Each member of staff takes responsibility for developing a particular area of the nursery, for example helping children to learn about classical music.Children benefit from an environment which is very well planned to allow them to return to favourite activities, building on their knowledge and skills.

They carefully construct towers and use tweezers to grasp small items. Staff competently support child-led play, building on what children can do and teaching them new skills. However, when staff lead activities, they sometimes do not identify children's spontaneous interests and develop these further, to fully extend their learning in all areas.

Children are motivated and keen to learn. They concentrate on activities and persevere to solve problems. Children enjoy searching for insects outside and excitedly find a spider's web.

They rake the leaves and use them in their play, for example making 'leaf ears' for a retelling of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. Children behave very well and cooperate with daily routines, following the sensitive guidance from staff.Children have a rich set of experiences that promote an understanding of how people are different.

They investigate the wider world as they find out which animals live in different continents, matching flags to different countries. Children and families share their own cultures, festivals and traditions from home. Staff create their own 'talking books' to help children develop their awareness of different languages.

Partnerships with parents enhance children's learning and development. Parents are thrilled with the care and teaching their children receive. They receive detailed feedback about their children's progress.

Parents say that their children thrive with their social skills and have many opportunities to 'be brave'. Parents highly value the freedom children have to play outdoors and how they learn to do many things for themselves.Staff expertly teach children how to stay safe.

They encourage children to talk about anything that makes them feel worried, including when accessing technology. Staff invite police officers in to talk to children about staying safe online in an age-appropriate way. Children carry out their own risk assessments before they play with equipment outside.

Staff continually support children to develop optimal levels of physical and emotional health.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a shared understanding of how to identify vulnerable children or families that may need additional support.

Staff talk confidently about the procedures to follow to report concerns to the relevant authorities. They have clear guidance to follow in the event of an allegation against a member of staff. The provider has robust systems in place for the recruitment of new staff.

She ensures all staff, volunteers and students have the relevant checks required to work with children. Staff are vigilant about keeping the premises secure and supervise children carefully at all times.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nencourage staff to be even more aware of children's spontaneous interests during activities led by adults, to enhance their learning to the highest levels in all areas.

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