Brunswick Preschool

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About Brunswick Preschool

Name Brunswick Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 17 Brunswick Drive, Westborough, Dewsbury, Yorkshire, WF13 4NG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kirklees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and safe at the setting. They form strong bonds with staff, who are attentive to their individual needs.

Children settle well. They demonstrate positive relationships with adults and each other. Older children are role models and sensitive to the needs of their younger friends.

Children encourage each other to share and take turns. They explain, 'This is how we share,' when asking another child for a turn using the chalks.Children behave well.

Strong and consistent routines are in place. Even the youngest children know what is expected of them. Staff praise children for making the right beha...viour choices.

They gently remind them about being kind to each other. Where children can resolve their own conflicts, they are allowed to do so, supported by caring adults. Children are confident.

They are encouraged to be resilient and develop a can-do attitude. Children attempt to dress dolls by themselves, carefully guided by adults. They receive praise for their efforts, which motivates them to persevere.

Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in their chosen activities, as well as at group times. Stories, singing and dancing are used throughout the day to develop children's curiosity and interest. Children are excited and eager to join in.

They become storytellers themselves, reading books in an expressive and animated way. Children talk about the 'blurb' on the back of the book being like 'a little bit of the story'. They remember what they have been taught about books and stories.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know children very well. They are clear about what they want children to learn and remember before they leave the pre-school and start school. Staff use their knowledge of each child to identify gaps in their learning.

However, staff do not consistently make the most of opportunities that arise to extend children's learning and thinking.Staff promote children's personal and social development, including helping them to self-regulate their behaviour. Staff model how to take turns by playing games with children.

Children develop good social skills. They are taught to recognise and celebrate differences. A group of children delight in talking about and comparing the different colours of their eyes.

Children are given opportunities to talk about their celebrations and important people at home.Children's speech and language development is well supported. Children speak confidently to adults and each other.

There is a lot of talk in the setting and children demonstrate good conversational skills. Staff model language for children to hear and repeat. They work closely with those children who need support in this area.

Children listen to staff and follow instructions.Staff plan the resources in the pre-school well. They make sure that equipment is easily accessible for children and promotes their independence.

Access to the outdoor area is available throughout the day. Children enjoy a wide range of activities to support their physical development. They enjoy being outside.

Children learn to ride tricycles, play football and play on obstacles courses. They are absorbed in activities that promote hand and finger strength in preparation for writing.Children are taught to keep safe and healthy through everyday routines.

They carefully climb the stairs, guided by staff. They talk about safety practises, such as crossing the road and are shown how to use equipment, such as scissors safely. Children remember what they have learned about good oral hygiene, telling staff that they brush their teeth morning and night.

For the most part, children are encouraged to be independent in managing their self-care needs and learning the importance of good hygiene. However, some opportunities are missed by staff to support this further. On occasions, staff wipe the noses of children or fasten up their coats without giving children the opportunity to try to do this by themselves.

Relationships with parents are a strength of the pre-school. Feedback from parents is overwhelmingly positive. They are informed about what their child is learning and how they can help to support them at home.

Parents are clear about how their child has made progress during their time at the pre-school.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported. Staff work closely with parents and external services to provide for children's individual needs.

They plan targeted support to help children to make progress. Parents feel well supported. The setting is inclusive.

All children are encouraged to join in and do so eagerly. Children build up high levels of self-esteem. Staff use key words and phrases in children's home language to make sure that they are able to make their needs known to staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are clear in their safeguarding responsibilities. They know the possible signs of abuse and what to do should they have concerns about a child.

Staff are secure in their knowledge of the whistle-blowing policy. They understand the procedures to follow if they are concerned about the practice of another member of staff. Staff provide a safe environment for children.

They teach children how to keep themselves safe. They ensure that the premises are well maintained and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend staff's knowledge around how to make more effective use of spontaneous opportunities to extend and challenge children's learning further nuse every opportunity to help children improve their independence skills.

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