Busy Bees Day Nursery at Bristol Stoke Gifford

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About Busy Bees Day Nursery at Bristol Stoke Gifford

Name Busy Bees Day Nursery at Bristol Stoke Gifford
Ofsted Inspections
Address Simmonds View, Stoke Gifford, BRISTOL, BS34 8HL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority SouthGloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children form extremely strong attachments with warm and caring staff from the outset.

Staff implement highly effective settling-in procedures, to ensure they get to know every child as an individual as well as their families. Children are very happy and settle extremely well. Staff work very well with parents to keep them well informed about their children's learning and to make links from home.

Parents are very complimentary about the care and education the nursery offers. Staff ensure environments are highly stimulating and attractive to children. Children have positive attitudes to learning and are eager to get inv...olved in the vast range of interesting activities and experiences staff plan for them.

Children behave well and get on well with one another. Staff ensure they are good role models of positive behaviour and staff morale is good. During their time at the nursery, all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those in receipt of additional funding, make good progress in all areas of their development.

Staff have a strong knowledge and understanding of child development. They use this knowledge, along with their awareness of each child, to accurately assess children's strengths and overall development. They use this information to determine what children need to learn next, and the well thought-out curriculum ensures it reflects the individual needs and interests of all children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

All children benefit from a very effective key person system. Personal care routines are carried out by a child's key-person which supports children's personal, social and emotional development well. Key persons ensure they have dedicated time throughout the nursery day to interact with each of their key children.

For example, children sit in key groups at mealtimes. This practice is particularly strong in the under-two's room, where staff maximise all opportunities to spend time building bonds and getting to know their key children.Staff promote children's independence well.

They take opportunities as they arise in everyday situations, to teach children skills to help them manage their own self-care in preparation for the next stage in learning, and the eventual move on to school.Staff working with the youngest children actively support children's creative development. They provide opportunities for them to explore light, texture, movement, touch and the sound of various sensory resources.

The youngest children thoroughly enjoy these activities through which they freely explore and develop their physical skills.Children show delight in learning outdoors. Staff provide children with good opportunities to develop their physical skills and understanding of the natural world.

For example, as pre-school children play imaginatively in the mud kitchen, they learn where vegetables come from and how they grow. Others climb, jump and catch balls while completing obstacle courses around the garden.Staff place high emphasis on continually enhancing children's language and literacy development.

They use effective teaching techniques to promote children's language and communication skills, including for children whom English is not their home language. They put these skills into everyday practice with children. For example, children are captivated by stories and toddlers actively join in singing and dancing to action songs.

Staff work effectively with a range of professionals and agencies to meet the needs of children, particularly those children with SEND. Through targeted and carefully planned work they consistently help children achieve their personal goals and ensure their individual learning needs are met.The manager regularly works with staff and monitors practice across the nursery.

Staff are inducted well for their role, have supervision sessions and are offered good professional development opportunities. Staff speak highly of leaders; they feel well supported in their role. However, current supervision systems are not always fully effective in ensuring all staff maintain certainty and high levels of confidence in regard to how they implement some of the nursery's policies and procedures.

Staff and leaders promote children's understanding of diversity well. They celebrate what makes people unique and learn about one another's background and culture. This prepares them well for life in modern Britain, and children show respect to others from a young age.

Leadership of the nursery is strong. The manager is experienced, passionate, and committed to continually building on the good care and education the nursery provides. All leaders are ambitious and regularly reflect on what is working well and what they could further improve.

They have very high expectations and a clear vision for the nursery.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their responsibilities to safeguard children and protect them from harm.

Staff have good knowledge and understanding of child protection issues and know how to respond if they are concerned about the welfare of a child in their care. Leaders implement robust vetting and recruitment procedures, to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. The manager ensures that all staff have regular training to keep their knowledge up to date.

The nursery is safe and secure and staff risk assess effectively. First aiders are well deployed throughout the nursery to ensure they are on hand to deal with any accidents that may occur.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nimplement more effective supervision arrangements, with particular regard to new and less regular staff, so staff maintain high levels of confidence and have clear understanding of their role in the implementation of all policies and procedures.

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