Busy Bees Day Nursery at Colton Mill

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About Busy Bees Day Nursery at Colton Mill

Name Busy Bees Day Nursery at Colton Mill
Ofsted Inspections
Address Stile Hill Way, Leeds, LS15 9JB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Busy Bees at Colton Mill is full of confident and happy children. They excitedly explore their environment, supported by nurturing and caring staff.

Children are highly motivated and engaged with their chosen activity. Pre-school children vote for the resources that they want available during the session. Staff are highly attentive and encouraging.

They support children's language, introducing new words as children begin an imaginative adventure. Children get train tickets for the journey to an 'enormous forest' and 'rainbow castle'.Babies move their bodies excitedly and clap hands as staff sing the 'Good mornin...g' song.

They are safe and secure, raising their hands to staff, who ask, 'Can I change your nappy?' Behaviour is exceptional and children are very respectful to their friends and staff. They ask to join other children's play, asking, 'Can I build a house?,' and share resources with their friends. Staff have high expectations of behaviour and role model sharing and turn taking.

Staff ask questions as they squeeze water into pipettes and ask 'What is happening?' Toddlers explore oral health as staff discuss the use of toothbrushes and how often they are used at home. Children enjoy using toothbrushes in their play.Children and parents enjoy coming into the inviting nursery to use the lending library.

Parents love being part of their child's experiences at nursery.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Highly knowledgeable and passionate staff have a firm understanding of the curriculum intent. Careful thought is given to the progression of the curriculum throughout the nursery rooms, which helps children to build their knowledge and skills consistently over time.

Children are prepared extremely well for their future life in modern Britain. This is reflected through the 'Golden Rules' of the nursery.Leaders and staff place a strong focus on children's developing communication and language skills.

Opportunities to support development of vocabulary are woven throughout each room. Children learn to use more words and confidently communicate their needs and wants. They make rapid progress with language.

Children are very articulate and confident to communicate. A love of stories is embedded from the baby room as they listen intently to stories and lift the flaps in books.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make excellent progress.

They are supported by highly knowledgeable staff. The designated coordinator works tirelessly with multi-agency professionals, nursery staff and parents. This creates a collaborative approach to children's learning.

Giving children the essential skills and knowledge they need to prepare them for their future success is a high priority for leaders and staff. Children develop yoga poses, which supports their physical development. Staff develop excellent links with the community.

Children enjoy visits from the local ambulance and the library bus. This supports language and literacy development. Children who do not have access to a garden enjoy using the opportunities during outdoor play.

Staff support children's well-being and this was a focus during Children's Mental Health Week.Children who speak English as an additional language thrive in the nursery. Staff support language development through visual resources in the rooms.

Pre-school children love learning songs in a variety of languages. Staff encourage children to count in their home language as well as in English.Children take responsibility to understand risks using the nursery's 'Safety Buzz bee'.

They take care running when it is wet and explain that they will 'slip'. The 'bee' watches as children practise their cutting skills with scissors, which helps children to explore risks safely.Parents speak of the excellent service, the welcoming and friendly staff and the various ways they can access their support.

For example, they can use the 'ParentZone app', end-of-day feedback and parents' evenings. Parents are extremely pleased with how well staff know their children. Staff provide information to support children's home learning, such as on growing sunflower seeds.

Parents have access to high-quality information, including on toilet training, choking and safer internet practice.Staff's well-being is extremely high. They feel fully supported by the leadership team.

They thrive on the additional training, mentoring and recognition schemes. This means children receive up-to-date learning from staff who fully engage with them and are friendly and approachable. Children benefit from excellent learning opportunities and feel secure to explore and play.

The centre director is highly ambitious, attentive and conscientious about improving outcomes for children. She is highly organised and extremely supportive to staff. She prioritises children being ready for the next stage of learning.

Staff work with local schools and have excellent partnerships that fully support continuity in children's learning.Children are highly motivated, challenged in their thinking and encouraged to use their own voice. Staff are highly engaged and know their key children extremely well.

They know how to support their learning and development to their highest level.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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