Busy Bodies Nursery

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About Busy Bodies Nursery

Name Busy Bodies Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Mary’s Old School, Wigan Road, Euxton, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 6JW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are extremely happy in their play and explore the vibrant, warm and welcoming nursery with an abundance of confidence and enthusiasm. They eagerly seek out their friends and staff on arrival and quickly become immersed in a wide range of exciting experiences that ignite their passion for learning.

Children are highly motivated and have extremely positive attitudes towards their learning. Babies concentrate intently on completing puzzles and persevere in this initially challenging task. They are guided by nurturing staff who sensitively offer guidance, encouraging children to develop a can-do attitude.

Older ch...ildren demonstrate impressive confidence in social situations as they converse with visitors. They ask why visitors are at their nursery and confidently share what they think of the setting. Occasionally, however, some staff do not give children enough time to think and respond and demonstrate what they know.

Children are developing an outstanding awareness of the community in which they live. For example, they frequently visit a local residential home which affords children wonderful opportunities to engage with the older generation and understand their role in society. Furthermore, children describe how they have provided toys and resources for a nursery in Gambia, as they have 'nothing to play with'.

Staff teach children about those less fortunate than themselves and children bring in items such as food and clothes to distribute in the community.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are exceptionally kind and caring and build excellent bonds with children through a highly successful key-person system. They are positive role models and support each child effectively, taking into account their individual needs and interests.

Children's efforts are enthusiastically celebrated. For example, staff recognise children's achievements, dedication and attitudes through 'star of the week' awards.Meticulous attention is given to the provision of enrichment activities that build on children's existing skills and abilities and prepare them for life in the modern world.

For example, children are offered swimming lessons, enjoy music activities and also engage in forest school experiences where they learn how to manage risks and to keep themselves safe.Partnerships with parents are strong. Detailed information is gathered when children first start at the nursery, which helps inform children's starting points.

Staff value and respect parents as partners in their children's learning and encourage regular contributions through the sharing of next steps and children's achievements at home. Furthermore, parents benefit from their own learning opportunities as they are invited to attend first-aid courses alongside staff.Children are learning to develop very healthy lifestyles.

They engage in well-being activities such as yoga, that staff use to help calm and focus children in readiness for learning. Children follow stringent hygiene procedures as they diligently wash their hands for meals and snacks and after blowing their nose. They choose the meals they wish to eat in nursery from a nutritious and balanced selection.

Children show a love of exercise as they play energetically outside in the fresh air and enjoy physical activities such as football.Children behave extremely well. They listen and respond to the instructions given by staff, share, take turns and play collaboratively with their friends.

For example, children work together as they transport a bucket of water in the garden. They show kindness, concern and respect for one another as they help each other to complete tasks.Overall, good attention is given to the acquisition of children's language skills.

Staff repeat key words and use commentaries during activities to expand on children's communication and understanding. However, occasionally, some staff do not recognise when to stand back and allow children to immerse themselves in their learning as they ask too many questions, often in quick succession.The dedicated and committed staff team is supported by passionate leaders who show a strong focus and determined drive to provide high-quality care and education for children.

Staff are highly reflective in their practice and benefit from supervision meetings and observations of their practice to help them improve further. They engage in regular training and carry out their own professional research to strengthen their knowledge and skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a robust understanding of their role and responsibilities in child protection. They confidently describe the action they would take if they had concerns about a child or the practice of a colleague. Diligent leaders continually test staff's knowledge and understanding of safeguarding matters through discussion at meetings and on-the-spot questioning.

Policies and procedures are detailed and available to parents so all concerned know that the welfare of the child is paramount. Staff complete checks of the playrooms and outdoor areas to ensure that children are able to play and learn in a safe and secure environment.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nuse questioning techniques effectively to expand on children's experiences and know when to stand back and allow children time to consolidate their learning and understanding.

Also at this postcode
Busy Bodies Big Kids Club Euxton Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School St. Mary’s Catholic Primary School Euxton

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