Buttercups Nursery School Ltd

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About Buttercups Nursery School Ltd

Name Buttercups Nursery School Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address C/O Whiteley Community Centre, Gull Coppice, Whiteley, Fareham, Hants, PO15 7LA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff are inspiring. They display impressive expertise as they consistently engage in meaningful interactions with children. For instance, they read the story of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' and children displayed high levels of engagement in the story.

Staff introduced the concept of opposites; children were animated as they discussed how hard or soft their own beds were at home. At the end of the story, children further enhanced their learning and sourced props to complement the story. The play area was a hive of activity.

Children constructed furniture for the three bears and collected porridge oats for t...he bears' breakfast. Children demonstrated exemplary behaviour as they cooperated extremely effectively with friends.Children are tremendously knowledgeable about living creatures.

This was evident when they described the life cycle of a butterfly and enthusiastically ran across the garden as they hunted for spiderwebs. They were thrilled to share their knowledge of how insects and spiders grow.Children flourish in their personal development.

Staff implement a range of superb measures to help children feel secure. For instance, they design key fobs which contain pictures of children's families. Children keep these close at hand.

The visual reminders of home help children to settle very quickly.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff use excellent methods to establish exactly what children can do when they start attending the nursery. For instance, they arrange home visits where they hold in-depth conversations with parents about what children are able to do.

Parents are remarkably complimentary about the magnificent support staff offer families.Managers have high aspirations for every member of the staff team. Staff frequently access new training opportunities.

For instance, many staff attended courses which showed them how to increase children's language skills. Staff successfully build on children's speech from the time they start attending the nursery. Managers are excellent role models for staff.

They are tremendously experienced and a great source of knowledge. They continually access new information about the early years to communicate with their team.Staff provide children with fantastic support to share their emotions throughout the day and in a range of different ways.

For instance, they use visual prompts. Staff place pictures in the middle of the lunch table. These are of people displaying a range of expressions.

The pictures prompt discussion among children as to what the person is feeling. Children display high levels of confidence as they talk freely to staff about a range of different events in their own lives.Parent partnerships are a huge strength within the nursery.

Staff share an impressive array of information with parents, who are fully engaged in children's learning. They closely monitor how much parents use the online learning application. This is so that staff can identify parents who might feel less confident in using the system and offer them other ways to access details of their child's learning.

The management team recognises how important it is to support staff's emotional well-being. It implements extremely effective methods to check that staff are always motivated in their role. This includes offering a multitude of chances for staff to share their ideas, views and personal feelings about a range of topics.

Staff feel that they are listened to and they promptly seek help if they have any issues with the nature of their workload.Staff are immensely passionate about helping every child make the very best possible start to their education. Planning systems are precise.

Staff have an excellent understanding of children's individual interests. They use this knowledge as well as exact assessments of children's development to provide a clear structure for children's learning. They help all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities, to make the very best progress.

Staff feel that it is particularly important for all children to understand that they can make a positive contribution. For example, staff are working with interested parents to provide information to families about how to cut down on using plastic during their daily routine.Children are exceptionally kind towards their friends and to staff.

They respond promptly to instructions and consistently share all toys.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously.

It checks that all staff have an excellent knowledge of how to safeguard children. It does this through clever questioning and using a range of different scenarios. All staff know how to alert suitable professionals to concerns about a child's safety.

The staff team risk assesses all activities rigorously, taking all possible eventualities into account. The management team deploys staff highly effectively so that a member of staff is always able to react quickly to any emergency. Staff accurately record details of any accidents or incidents to share with parents, so that they are aware of any medical treatment that has been administered.

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