Chaldon Champions

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About Chaldon Champions

Name Chaldon Champions
Address St Peter & St Paul Infant School, 93 Rook Lane, Chaldon, CR3 5BN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children show a strong sense of belonging and arrive at the club happily and full of excitement.

They play cooperatively together and settle quickly into a range of well-planned, fun and exciting activities. Children have numerous opportunities to develop their physical skills, collaborate and build resilience. They play together outside for long periods of time and build dens with large blocks.

Staff show a keen interest in what children are doing and engage fully in their play. They support children well to work out practical problems. For example, staff ask questions and gently suggest ideas to help children think about... the shape and size of the blocks they are using when they build the entrance of their den.

Children delight in sharing and demonstrating their skills. Children have lots of opportunities to be imaginative, and staff introduce innovative ideas that inspire them to explore and practise useful skills. For example, they learn about oral hygiene and have great fun as they use toothbrushes and toothpaste to brush their toy dinosaur's teeth.

Children handle tools well and concentrate as they take turns. Children's behaviour is excellent. They listen well to staff and are kind and respectful towards each other.

Children form strong friendships with each other, and children of all ages play well together. They are very confident and are keen to talk to share their experiences at the club, school and home. Children say that they feel safe at the club and enjoy playing outside in the fresh air with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders strive to make continual improvements. They monitor the service effectively and involve children, parents and staff in their evaluation of club activities. Good partnership working with school enables staff to have a better understanding of the individual needs of children who attend.

They have good relationships with class teachers and share important information with them. This supports children's emotional well-being.Children clearly enjoy their time at the club.

They laugh and play with their friends and are thoroughly engaged in activities throughout the session. For instance, children spend long periods of time creating models from different materials. They manipulate dough, use scissors and show good problem-solving skills as they work out what they want to add to their creations.

Staff show children that their creations are valued.Staff encourage children to be independent. Children help to complete tasks and do things for themselves.

For example, they hang up their bags on arrival, serve their own meals and help to tidy away afterwards. Children have ownership of their club and are involved in developing the rules. This means that all children know what is expected of them.

Staff promote children's health and well-being extremely well. Children enjoy taking part in a group movement session and show a great sense of achievement when they spend time mastering new skills. Staff use their knowledge and skills effectively, particularly during more active sessions.

They encourage children to recognise and manage their physical needs independently. For example, staff adjust routines due to hot weather and offer plenty of drinking breaks. Staff implement effective hygiene routines.

They support children to learn about the importance of healthy eating and provide nutritious snack options.Parents have positive views about the club and comment that staff are friendly and approachable. They appreciate the opportunities for their children to socialise and take part in different activities.

Staff gather detailed information when children first start, about personal details, allergies, medical needs, likes, dislikes and interests. Two-way communication is effective and parents regularly receive updates, and have the opportunity to give feedback about the club.Staff receive effective support.

Leaders arrange regular meetings, supervisions and training, and this helps all staff to reflect on their practice and continue to enhance their knowledge and skills. Staff say they love working at the club and feel valued. Staff turnover is low, providing continuity in children's care.

This helps staff to deliver inclusive, welcoming and consistent sessions for children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully committed to ensuring children are safe.

They have a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is more vulnerable or at risk of harm. Staff know how to refer any concerns about children's welfare to local safeguarding partners. They are also familiar with the whistle-blowing procedures and know what to do if they have concerns about staff conduct.

Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to help ensure staff suitability. Risk assessment procedures are thorough. Staff check the environment before children attend and take steps to minimise risks when necessary.

Also at this postcode
Chaldon Pre-School St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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