Chatterbox Nursery

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About Chatterbox Nursery

Name Chatterbox Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happily and are greeted warmly by kind and caring staff.

They leave their parents and carers with ease as they run in to tell their friends what they have seen on the way to nursery. Staff are committed to ensuring that children settle quickly and develop a real sense of belonging. They provide comfort, such as cuddles, to children who need more reassurance.

As a result, children establish strong and positive relationships with staff who understand their needs.Children thoroughly enjoy their time in the outdoor environment. Younger children receive support from staff to crawl, walk, and pull themselves ...up on the climbing equipment.

Older children develop their resilience and perseverance as they work together to design an obstacle course using a range of resources. They show great enthusiasm and demonstrate good mobility, balance and coordination. Staff encourage children to persist, help them to support each other and challenge them to do more.

Children behave well. They are kind and considerate to each other, and learn to take turns and share toys. Staff use gentle reminders and say 'please' and 'thank you' to help children to develop an understanding of the expected behaviours.

They praise children for making positive choices and step in swiftly to help them resolve frustrations. This helps to support children's emotional well-being and to gain confidence in their own abilities. All children are making good progress in their learning and development from their starting points.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and staff implement an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum that has been designed to support the unique ways that children learn. They work with parents to understand each child's individual interests. Staff create next steps in learning that build successfully on what children already know and can do.

They accurately identify any gaps in children's learning, and the provision in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities is good.Children develop a love of songs, books and stories. They independently select books to enjoy, both alone and with staff.

Younger children engage in stories as they lift flaps to reveal what is hidden underneath. Older children recall and re-enact stories with great enthusiasm as they sit together in a group. Staff read animatedly and encourage children to describe the different parts of the story.

This helps children gain an understanding that text has meaning.Mathematics is firmly embedded into daily routines and activities. Younger children are exposed to mathematical language during play, such as simple counting and words to describe size and weight.

Older children count confidently as they carefully place dinosaurs into a large bucket. They use positional language such as top, middle and bottom to talk about where to place the planks they are using to make an obstacle course.Overall, staff support children's communications skills effectively.

They introduce children to new words as they play, speaking slowly and clearly so they can repeat key words. Staff encourage children to share their views and ideas and ask some relevant questions. However, staff do not consistently make the best use of these interactions to extend children's learning.

Staff plan opportunities for children to explore creative activities using a range of tools, such as glue and scissors. However, some activities do not always support children to develop their creativity and make choices. For example, staff give children a set of pre-cut shapes to make cards to take home for Ramadan.

This does not always support children to freely express their own ideas and be imaginative and creative.Children benefit from the many opportunities that support their physical development. For example, children improve their balance and strengthen core muscles as they stretch their bodies into yoga poses.

Children practise their fine motor skills by carefully stacking objects and filling and emptying containers in the sandpit. This helps children to develop coordination and precision, giving them a firm basis on which to build their skills.Parents speak highly of the support and care their children receive.

Staff share information with parents so they are aware of their child's individual stage of development and how they can continue to support their child's learning at home. Parents say their children are progressing well and feel that their children are well prepared for school.The strong leadership and management team has an accurate view of the nursery's strengths and a clear development plan.

Staff benefit from regular supervision and professional development opportunities, which is highly relevant to the needs of the children attending. This helps to raise staff morale and improves outcomes for children. Staff speak highly of the managers and feel supported and valued.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to build on their interactions with children to further extend their learning strengthen opportunities for children to develop their creativity and imagination during activities.

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