Colourbox Montessori School Haverhill

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About Colourbox Montessori School Haverhill

Name Colourbox Montessori School Haverhill
Ofsted Inspections
Address Haverhill Research Park, Three Counties Way, HAVERHILL, Suffolk, CB9 7SW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this exceptionally welcoming and inclusive nursery. They are extremely motivated learners, who are exceedingly happy and settled.

Children show excellent levels of confidence. Babies practise their social skills confidently. For example, at this inspection they took ice from the sensory tray to show to the inspector, grinning with delight at the inspector's response.

Staff are always on hand to provide the highest levels of support. They provide a highly nurturing environment, where children feel safe. Children develop close emotional attachments with staff.

They readily go to them fo...r reassurance and a cuddle. Staff implement effective care practices, to support children's welfare. Staff structure the curriculum exceptionally well, within the Montessori philosophy and the early years foundation stage.

Children delight in the interesting resources that effectively support their natural instincts to discover and explore. Children are extremely independent and make rapid progress across all areas of learning. Staff pay close attention to planning for the outdoor environment.

They carefully consider all areas of learning and children's interests. Those children who learn best from being outdoors can do so. Children enjoy the company of others as well as playing and learning independently.

Staff are exceptionally good at guiding children's learning and chat to children about what they are doing. Children are confident communicators. Even very young children demonstrate a good vocabulary.

They readily use descriptive words, such as 'enormous', and readily repeat back unfamiliar words.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff talk enthusiastically about the children in their care. They have the deepest knowledge and understanding of children's individual needs.

Staff fully understand the intent of their teaching. They implement their curriculum exceptionally well, to meet children's individual needs and build on what they already know and can do.Staff give priority to planning for all children's progress.

They help children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to make the best possible progress that they can. Equality and inclusion are at the heart of everything that staff do.Staff support children in purposeful play.

Children readily choose what they want to do and are actively engaged in their play and learning. They are motivated and show high levels of concentration. Children thoroughly enjoy stories, rhymes and music.

They join in enthusiastically when singing, using musical instruments to beat out rhythms.Staff take every opportunity to support children's developing communication and language skills. They engage children in conversation, actively listen to what children have to say and expertly extend and develop their vocabulary.

Staff respond positively to the babbles and gestures of babies.Children behave well and develop good friendships with each other. They respond positively to the high expectations from staff and play well together.

Staff support children's self-esteem exceptionally well. They show a high respect for children's work and give meaningful praise for their efforts.Children keep on trying and persevere with activities of their own choosing.

They are highly independent and develop the key skills needed to be ready for school. The nursery staff have developed strong links with the local community, where children learn about the world around them.The management team demonstrates a strong commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in all areas.

They rigorously monitor all aspects of practice and have high expectations for the quality of care and learning for all children. The management team are highly effective in driving improvement.Staff benefit from a highly effective programme of supervision.

This is used successfully, to manage their performance, support their well-being and promote their professional development. Staff report that they are very happy in their work and feel exceptionally well supported.The management team implements effective recruitment and selection procedures.

This helps to ensure that those working with children are suitable to do so. Safeguarding is given utmost priority. Staff have exceptional training opportunities, with a number of staff working towards early years qualifications at level 3 and above.

Partnerships with parents are exemplary. Staff and parents develop exceptionally informative communication. Parents comment that they are 'delighted' with the nursery, describing the staff as 'caring and knowledgeable'.

Parents report that the staff nurture their children exceptionally well and give them the confidence and skills they need to be ready for school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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