Fire Station Day Nursery

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About Fire Station Day Nursery

Name Fire Station Day Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address The Old Fire Station, Manchester Road, Mossley, Ashton-under-Lyne, OL5 9BB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children eagerly bounce into this welcoming and secure setting. Babies beam at staff as they pull themselves up to standing.

They have close bonds with the caring and motivated staff. Managers create a curriculum to support children to be independent, curious, confident and ready for their next stage of learning. This is planned and sequenced as children move through the setting.

Babies are encouraged to make simple choices by pointing or crawling to toys. As they develop, they start to verbalise their thinking, and toddlers are able to make more complex choices. By pre-school, children are discussing play projects..../>
For example, they decide to make an obstacle course and work together to plan and set out the resources needed. Staff expectations are high. Children make good progress and show a 'can-do' attitude.

The on-site cook works with children and staff to develop an understanding of healthy lifestyles. Children delight in using the herbs they have grown outside in their food preparation. Dietary requirements and preferences are well catered for, with robust systems in place to keep children safe.

Staff model behaviour well, and children show lovely manners. Mealtimes are enjoyable and social as children chat with friends. Hygiene routines are well considered, and children learn self-care tasks such as toileting and handwashing.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The well-established management team supports staff well through supervision, observation and role modelling. Learning from training is used to improve practice. For example, staff use language screening tools to help identify children's communication needs.

All children are appropriately supported in their language development.Children's learning environments are planned with lots of opportunities for children to build their physical skills. Children benefit from the soft-play area where they can climb, roll, jump and balance.

Children develop their large muscles and physical skills.Stories and songs are used to develop language. Babies copy actions to songs, joyfully clapping their hands to 'Wind the Bobbin Up'.

Older children are confident in retelling familiar stories. Pre-school children have developed language well. They can communicate their needs, respond to requests and initiate interesting conversation.

Children are confident communicators.Staff consider children's needs when planning the environment and activities. Children are generally well engaged.

However, on occasion, the size of the group and the resources used can make it difficult for children to remain focused. This means that some children wait a long time for their turn. As a result, children stop listening and lose interest.

Parents speak highly of the support they and their children receive. The setting works with local schools to help children prepare for the transition to school. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are quickly identified, and support plans are implemented.

Staff work closely with parents and agencies to support and monitor children's progress. Children, including children with SEND, make good progress.Children generally behave well.

When there are disagreements, staff interact quickly, modelling negotiation skills. Staff skilfully support children to acknowledge feelings and to think about what they can do to help themselves and their friends. Pre-school children vote to make decisions, for example choosing which story to read.

Children learn strategies to make group decisions.The setting has a daily routine. Strategies are sometimes used to signify a transition, for example, music is played at tidy-up time.

However, these transitions are not always obvious to children. This means children can become upset and are not engaged in the routine.Development of mathematics is a strength.

Staff and children use number language regularly, such as when counting animals in the sand tray. Older children concentrate on numbers in planned activities. They sequence numbers and count with ease.

Staff increase children's learning. For example, they see how many number combinations children can use to make five. Children are developing good mathematical skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Managers and staff attend regular safeguarding training. They know the signs and symptoms of abuse and know what to do should they be concerned about the welfare of a child.

Managers use a robust recruitment process, and staff are appropriately checked as suitable to work with children. Team meetings are used to share and update safeguarding knowledge. Staff deployment is considered well throughout the setting to help keep children safe.

Paediatric first-aid training is completed regularly, and staff know what to do in the event of an emergency. The setting is safe and secure, with systems in place to ensure children cannot leave unsupervised.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: consider group size and the resources needed when planning activities so that children remain engaged and behaviour does not deteriorate think about ways to engage children in transitions in the daily routine, and use these strategies consistently, to help children feel secure.

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