Fledglings Ltd Irlam

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About Fledglings Ltd Irlam

Name Fledglings Ltd Irlam
Ofsted Inspections
Address Fiddlers Lane, Irlam, Manchester, M44 6QE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Children thrive in this incredibly well-organised, safe and purposeful environment. Children receive exceptional care and education from highly experienced staff.

Staff have an excellent understanding of children's needs, interests and learning styles. Staff interaction with the children is exemplary. Children learn sign language to support their growing communication.

For example, babies learn to sign 'milk' and 'nappy' from an early age to communicate their needs. Staff skilfully consider the needs of children who speak English as an additional language (EAL). They learn words from children's home language, su...ch as 'agua' for water, so that all children feel valued and part of the nursery community.

Behaviour is remarkable. Children learn to share and take turns. They are polite and respectful to others.

Children greet visitors with a smile and a 'pleased to meet you.' Routines are implemented consistently across the setting. This supports children to learn rules and boundaries.

Staff encourage children to develop their independence, with older children setting the table and serving their own lunch. Partnership with parents is exceptional. Comprehensive settling-in arrangements support children's transition and ensure children's individual needs and routines are met.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff provide an exemplary and ambitious curriculum based on what they want children to learn. They carefully sequence the curriculum to build on the skills that children already have. Consequently, staff extend children's learning impeccably to further embed and strengthen their knowledge.

Staff confidently implement the curriculum intent with a common understanding. They talk extensively about their key children, including their current stage of development and the next steps in their learning. The quality of teaching is exemplary.

Staff challenge children to move forward in their learning. As such, all children make excellent progress from their starting points.Leaders place high emphasis on communication and language.

Staff use effective questioning and model new vocabulary, with key words displayed. From the start, staff focus on children saying single words. Babies choose a 'singing spoon' to signal the rhyme they like.

Staff will then sing the song with them, while the babies enthusiastically join in with the actions. This contributes towards the development of children's impressive and highly effective conversation skills.Children learn the early skill of understanding the sounds that letters make in words.

They learn effective listening and attention, rhythm and rhyme, and alliteration. As such, children develop the literacy skills they will need for the next stage of their learning.Staff track the development of all children to ensure they make outstanding progress.

For example, leaders acknowledge that the development of key skills such as communication and language is an area of focus. As such, they quickly identify any gaps in learning and refer to other agencies if needed. Staff work closely with other professionals, such as health visitors, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists, to provide targeted support for children.

This means that every child receives the individual support they need to enable them to make swift and exceptional progress.Partnership with parents is exemplary. Leaders offer information on oral health, toilet training and how to encourage and enhance children's language development at home.

The 'parents' area' provides a welcoming, cosy area where parents can spend quiet time with their child at the end of the day. Staff keep parents well informed about their child's learning and provide a wealth of activities to help parents in extending their child's learning further at home. As such, parents know and contribute effectively towards their child's next steps.

Leaders ensure that any additional funding provides targeted, effective support, precisely for the children it is intended for. Staff recently installed a sensory room, where children can explore their developing senses. Children, in particular those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from time in this calm and tranquil space, to help support their high levels of emotional well-being.

Leaders offer staff an extensive range of highly focused professional development, regular supervision and appraisal. This supports staff in their relentless drive to provide early years experiences of the very highest quality. Staff share their impressive skills and learn from each other.

They disseminate any training they have attended to their peers. This helps to ensure that children benefit from the very highest quality of teaching and learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have an exceptional knowledge of safeguarding issues. All staff understand their role in keeping children safe. Leaders use a chronology to keep track of all information relating to individual children.

This helps them to build a more holistic view of each child in the setting and quickly identifies any concerning patterns. Leaders have a strong commitment to promoting online safety. Health and safety practices are implemented through thorough risk assessment and hygiene and cleaning practices.

Children all have their own placements. These are edged in red if the child has any allergies or dietary requirements. As such, children are kept safe from harm.

Also at this postcode
Mojo 4 Fiddlers Lane Community Primary School

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