Funtasia Kids Clubs Limited- Yew Tree

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About Funtasia Kids Clubs Limited- Yew Tree

Name Funtasia Kids Clubs Limited- Yew Tree
Address Yew Tree Primary School, Yew Tree Lane, Dukinfield, Cheshire, SK16 5BJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Tameside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enter the setting excitedly and they are greeted by warm and friendly staff. They eagerly share their experiences from school. Children are completely engaged and motivated throughout the session.

They enjoy the freedom of access to a wide range of resources which cater for the needs of all children. They enjoy a mixture of adult-led sessions and a choice of games and resources which spark their interest.Children's views are valued and staff often ask children for feedback to improve the provision.

Planned activities are based on feedback from children and parents, and also on children's interests.Children are enc...ouraged to be creative and use their imagination. For example, children spend some time making winter decorations.

They use their own ideas and discuss them with each other. They persevere as they work out ways to attach sequins. Children are excited to show their finished creations and staff praise their achievements.

This helps to support children's self-esteem.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff consider the age of the children when they plan for children's play. They use children's interests and consider their ideas about what they would like to do when planning activities for the week ahead.

For example, children vote on an obstacle course or a 'break out' room game for later in the week. This helps children to feel valued, boosting their self-esteem.Staff encourage conversation.

When children arrive, they talk about their day at school or out-of-school activities, such as gymnastics. They chat happily about their activities and join in discussions with staff. Staff use open-ended questions to encourage language and give suggestions when drawing and playing games.

Children's communication and language are well supported.Staff encourage children to be healthy and make good lifestyle choices. Children know to wash their hands after being outside, before food and after using the toilet.

Children are independent and know the rules of the setting. For example, they know how many children can play board games at any one time and share and take turns well.Children confidently risk assess during activities, taking responsibility for their own and others' safety.

They talk about using scissors safely and what they can do to help minimise risks. All children participate in this.Parents say that their children enjoy the 'unique' activities in the club and are always happy to attend.

Staff communicate with parents at the end of each day about what their children have enjoyed doing. Staff keep parents fully informed and involved. Children are supported well.

This is because of excellent partnerships with the school. This ensures children's needs are always being met.Staff promote good behaviour.

They manage children's behaviour well and give clear instructions. Children are encouraged to be polite, respectful to each other and use 'please' and 'thank you' with each other and the staff team. They enjoy spending time together.

For example, they share resources during a creative activity and older children help younger children with using glue and lolly sticks.The management team work together to improve the setting. They share ideas for new activities with other managers and regularly evaluate their practice, making improvements if needed.

Managers communicate with the team and parents clearly. They have recently introduced an online system which parents and staff say is very effective. This ensures messages are passed on from school and notices are received.

Managers work with staff during supervisions to reduce workload, and staff feel appreciated.Managers hold regular meetings with staff and monitor staff practice through supervisions and observations of practice. Managers and staff have access to a range of training opportunities to keep their knowledge up to date.

They have a very clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse.

They know who to contact if they have concerns about a child, including the risk from exposure to extreme views. Staff complete regular training to keep their safeguarding knowledge up to date. Staff are clear about the procedures to follow, including whistle-blowing.

The manager has robust recruitment and induction procedures in place. Staff encourage children to consider and manage their own safety. The area of the school used by the setting is secure, so that children cannot leave unsupervised and visitors cannot gain unauthorised access.

Also at this postcode
Yew Tree Primary School Cromwell High School

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