Gaywood First Steps

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About Gaywood First Steps

Name Gaywood First Steps
Ofsted Inspections
Address Queen Mary Road, Gaywood, KING’S LYNN, Norfolk, PE30 4QF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are very well cared for at this friendly and welcoming nursery. They show that they are happy and secure. Toddlers proudly show staff the pictures they have drawn.

Babies approach staff for a cuddle when they are tired. Older children laugh with delight as they crawl around with staff and roar like tigers. Staff are wonderfully kind and patient.

Children persevere with getting sand out of containers. They work out how best to set out stepping stones for a 'trim trail'. Staff offer reassurance and tell them to 'keep trying'.

This helps to support their growing self-esteem and confidence. Children spend... long periods of time outside being physically active. As a result, children show high levels of physical proficiency.

Babies use walkers to push themselves around. They crawl around obstacles and throw balls in the air. Toddlers use see-saws and slither down slides.

Older children initiate their own chasing games. They speed around on bicycles and balance on planks and stepping stones. Staff have planned outside areas to ensure activities are varied and stimulating.

Children benefit from access to quiet areas. They sit in the shade and play with 'small world' resources and look at books.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are kind and friendly to one another.

They work together to complete jigsaws and construction tasks. Young children arrive and wave and say hello to their friends. Older children hold hands and tell each other 'well done' when they set up a train track.

Children are polite and use please and thank you in their play. Staff model positive behaviour and expertly offer solutions and support when young children become frustrated.The curriculum is ambitious and well sequenced.

There is a tremendous sense of purpose and focus around the nursery. Older children become engaged in using scissors to make snips in paper. They make their own 'books' and write the letters of their names.

Younger children use toothbrushes to wash dinosaurs. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Staff ensure referrals are made in a timely manner and children's first languages are shared and celebrated.

Children make good progress in their mathematical development. Staff model counting as they help babies to scoop cereal. Toddlers freely use number names and counting in their play.

Older children complete shape puzzles and recognise circles, squares and triangles. They chat about 'pointy corners' and 'round circles'. They show high levels of proficiency in drawing simple shapes.

Staff work collaboratively to plan the curriculum. They are reflective and use ideas gathered from training to improve their own practice. This has a positive impact on their professional development.

Staff are dedicated and regularly use their own time to make stimulating resources for children.The manager is an inspirational leader and is fully committed to her role. She has overseen considerable building work to improve the indoor and outdoor provision.

She has robust systems in place for monitoring and any gaps in training are quickly identified and acted upon. She provides a range of support meetings for all staff and takes great care to make sure staff feel appreciated.All staff maintain excellent relationships with parents.

Staff are proactive in their communication and regularly provide parents with resources and ideas to use at home. Parents report that their children are 'thriving' and 'flourishing'. They feel listened to and say they would fully recommend the nursery.

Settling-in sessions are flexible and tailored to suit individual children. This ensures new children settle extremely quickly.Children benefit from regular opportunities to sing songs and read books.

This helps their communication and language development. Older children remember parts of a familiar story. Young children sing songs during their play.

Babies babble and repeat familiar words. Although staff provide dialogue, they do not always build and extend ideas during conversations. Some staff do not ensure they model the correct pronunciation of words.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff know how to identify and report concerns regarding the welfare of children or the behaviour of an adult. They show an awareness of issues that may affect the children in their care, including wider safeguarding concerns, such as female genital mutilation.

Leaders worked hard during the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain regular communication and provide support for children and their families. Staff work collaboratively with other professionals to ensure relevant information is passed on to ensure the best outcomes for children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support children's speech development further and help them learn how to pronounce words in the correct way strengthen staff's knowledge of how to promote children's communication and language skills through thoughtful conversations.

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