George Carey Wraparound Care

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About George Carey Wraparound Care

Name George Carey Wraparound Care
Address The George Carey Primary School, Rivergate Centre, Minter Road, Barking, Barking And Dagenham, IG11 0FJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BarkingandDagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff are kind, gentle and caring.

They create a warm and welcoming atmosphere in the club. All children are encouraged to take part in the activities which staff provide. Staff are particularly skilled in supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Children are happy and enjoy spending time with each other. They laugh and chat as they play. Staff talk to children about the day that they have had.

Staff listen carefully as children talk to them about their experiences in, and outside, of school. Children benefit from the positive relationships which they form with staff. They behave wel...l and understand the high expectations that staff have of them.

Staff keep children safe. For instance, they make sure that children drink water during hot weather. Children understand how to keep themselves well.

They wash their hands before eating, talk about their favourite fruits and vegetables and how they are good for them. Staff support children's physical activity and encourage them to run, dance and participate in yoga classes. Children enjoy activities, which they may not have the opportunity to access outside of the club.

Staff display children's drawings and pictures, and children proudly show their 'art wall'. They gain a sense of pride in their achievements.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children say that they enjoy spending time at the club.

They describe themselves as an 'after-school club family'. Children happily share their toys and include all children who want to join in their games. Older children care for younger ones.

For example, they help to settle younger children who join the club, acting as 'buddies'. Children think about each other and understand they are not all the same. They build on the social skills that will support them in their future lives.

Parents praise the staff. They say the care and consideration shown towards their children is a strength of the club. In particular, parents praise how staff take the time to get to know the children and their individual needs.

They say that their children feel safe and secure at the club, increasing their emotional well-being and confidence. However, staff acknowledge that they could provide parents with more detailed information about the club, and the different activities they provide for their children.The provider supports staff's professional development well.

Staff say that they benefit from a wide range of training courses, which they use to enhance the service they provide. For example, staff have completed an advanced safeguarding course to deepen their understanding of how to keep children safe. They say that they have gained confidence in talking to parents following training they received about how to communicate effectively.

Children benefit from practising the skills which they learn at school. For example, they build on their mathematical learning. Children keep score when playing games.

They create lists, write down numbers and add them up. Children are persistent and gain in confidence as they overcome the challenge of using large numbers.Staff work closely with the school.

They have put strategies in place to support children in moving safely from their classrooms to the club. Staff communicate effectively with teachers and share concerns or information, if needed. Children are supervised well.

Children say that they like the different activities and toys which staff provide. They talk excitedly about writing and drawing, playing with cars, dominoes and dinosaurs. Children say that they particularly enjoy the archery sessions which the club offers.

They use different outdoor spaces, choosing the activities that they want to take part in. Children's choices and interests are respected. Staff discuss the support provided for children who may be more disadvantaged than others.

The provider and staff think about the quality of the service which they provide for parents and children. For example, staff are developing ideas about extending the range of outdoor activities they offer. Children provide staff with ideas about what they would like to do at the club.

They are included in planning activities and organising games. Staff value children's views and opinions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a secure understanding of the responsibility which they have to keep children safe. They regularly carry out risk assessments. For example, staff put strategies in place to supervise children when they use outside spaces.

The provider carries out checks to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children. Staff are able to recognise the signs which may give them cause for concern about the welfare of a child and know the procedures to follow. They understand the duty which they have to report any concerns they might have about the conduct of other professionals.

Also at this postcode
Kiddies Lounge Pre School Day Nursery George Carey Church of England Primary School

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