Greenfields Nursery School and Children’s Centre

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About Greenfields Nursery School and Children’s Centre

Name Greenfields Nursery School and Children’s Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Recreation Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB2 5PF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff are highly attentive towards the babies' needs and provide a nurturing, homely environment. They follow care routines that have been carefully considered and agreed with parents.

Babies enjoy having close, yet safe, contact with the older children in the other parts of the nursery. They delight in seeing their siblings and friends at specific times of the day, such as during breakfast or when in the garden. Staff are conscientious and have high expectations of every child.

Babies make good progress in their learning and development. Babies form close attachments to the staff as they snuggle up to them when... they need comfort and emotional reassurance. Children develop early literacy skills through their love of books.

During the inspection, children selected books from the shelf, sat on the floor and placed the books on their knees. They turned the pages, 'reading' with great animation and babbling as they pointed at pictures in the books. This shows that even though the children are too young to read and even talk in words, they are extremely excited by books.

Staff use a running commentary, name things and ask questions. They talk with children in a meaningful manner. Despite their young age, children are rapidly developing speech and use words to share their experiences with staff and each other

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Babies make good progress in their learning and development.

When babies first start, staff carefully assess what each baby can already do and what they need to learn next. Staff consistently work closely with parents. This helps the key person to plan a suitable range of learning experiences that each baby is interested in and that will offer relevant challenge.

Staff help babies to develop new skills as they continually make progress.Staff are genuinely respectful and caring with babies. They listen to them and provide considerate care.

For example, before any care routines, such as wiping noses or changing nappies, staff ask children and tell them what will happen. This shows how staff value children, their rights and their sense of safety and security.The transitions when babies move to the toddler room are handled extremely sensitively to help them manage change positively.

Staff ensure parents are fully involved in the arrangements. Babies' existing key person accompanies them to many taster sessions in the toddler room. This provides babies with a familiar adult to help them settle in the new environment.

Staff act as excellent role models for babies. They are calm and reassuring, model respect towards each other and the babies, and use polite language consistently. Staff seek babies' consent throughout every aspect of care and play, showing that they value children's voice in matters affecting them.

This helps babies to build a strong sense of self and confidence to express their choice.Staff help babies to begin to understand behaviour expectations and self-regulation. They help babies learn to share.

When babies explore the activities and toys, staff ensure there is a wide range of resources to model how to share and take turns.Babies are able to choose what they play with. They can self-select books and toys from low-level storage.

This supports their ability to make independent choices and have autonomy over their play.Babies have plenty of space, indoors and outside, to practise physical movement. They receive lots of praise and encouragement, which helps them develop positive attitudes and to keep trying.

Inspirational senior leaders support a skilled staff team in striving for excellence. Leaders share their ideas clearly with the team. There is also highly effective engagement with staff through team meetings, training days, supervision meetings and focused actions for professional development.

Strong shared values between leaders and staff mean children receive the highest quality of education.Parents are extremely positive about the care their babies receive. They say that they receive detailed information from staff about their baby's day and how to support the next stage in learning at home.

Parents value the high-level care and education their baby receives, which enables them to go to work confident that their baby is happy.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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