Hadley Harriers

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About Hadley Harriers

Name Hadley Harriers
Address Hadley Learning Community, Waterloo Road, Hadley, Telford, TF1 5NU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely happy and settled.

They confidently seek out staff where this is required. Staff follow children's individual care needs well. For instance, they recognise and respond immediately to children when they need a rest or when they become hungry.

This helps children to form lasting bonds with the staff. Children play cooperatively with the staff and their peers. They enjoy mark-making activities.

Staff are on hand to assist the children where required. They provide the children with a range of different strategies that they can use to help achieve their goal. For instance, when children start to ...learn how to write their own name.

Children use their imagination as they play in the home corner area. They also show high levels of concentration as they play with the different puzzles. Staff are consistent in their approach to managing children's behaviour.

This helps children to quickly learn what is expected of them. Children take pride in their environment. For example, they eagerly tidy up after themselves.

Children represent the setting well. They behave extremely well. Staff immediately notice when children stop engaging.

They use lots of praise to encourage the children to join in and to keep on trying. Leaders generally work well in partnership with others, particularly for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. This ensures those children receive the continuity and consistency they require in their care.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are reflective and are keen to use the feedback of others. This has helped to raise the overall quality of the setting, since the last inspection. Leaders have identified their own action plan to help continue to raise the quality of the setting over time.

Staff speak positively about the support they receive from leaders. They state that leaders are on hand to support them whenever they require it. Leaders monitor staff practice regularly and provide staff with ways that their practice can be improved.

Staff also have access to a range of training opportunities. This helps to further develop staff's knowledge and to help improve their overall effectiveness.Parents describe staff as patient and loving towards their child.

They comment that their children enter and leave the setting happy. All children have a key person who is responsible for meeting their individual needs. Staff gain information about children's medical, dietary requirements from parents.

They also find out about children's interests and hobbies. Staff use this to help plan a range of stimulating activities for children to engage with.The setting is inclusive.

Leaders find out key information from parents before their children start. This helps them to identify any concerns parents may have about their child. The setting follows children's care plans to ensure those children continue to receive the right level of support they require.

Staff speak clearly to the children. They surround the children with language as they play. Staff provide children with the words for the objects they point to.

They use lots of rich descriptive words as they describe the different objects that children are playing with. Most children communicate well as they express their ideas and thoughts.Staff are positive role models to the children.

They are polite, attentive and show lots of care towards every child. Staff remind children of the rules where required. They encourage children to take turns.

Staff also support the children to learn about their emotions and how their actions affect others. This has a positive impact on the way children behave.Staff provide lots of opportunities for children to learn about themselves and others.

They are keen for children to learn about what makes them unique and to celebrate their differences. This works well. Children show high levels of care and respect towards one another.

This approach prepares children well for life in modern Britain.Leaders place focus on supporting children to learn how they can stay clean and healthy. For example, children are provided with a wide range of healthy snacks.

They also have access to fresh drinking water. Staff provide lots of opportunities for children to get physically active, both indoors and outdoors.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Recruitment procedures check whether staff are suitable to work with children. Leaders have also implemented effective systems to check staff's ongoing suitability. Since the last inspection, leaders and staff have undertaken a range of safeguarding training.

This has helped them to improve their knowledge of the action to take if an allegation is made against a member of staff. They are also aware of the steps to take if concerned about a child's welfare. Leaders have improved staffing arrangements since their last inspection.

They take steps to deploy staff effectively to ensure children are adequately supervised in all areas of the setting. Risk assessment procedures have also improved to ensure that hazards are identified and removed/minimised in the environment. The setting is clean throughout.

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