Happy Kids

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About Happy Kids

Name Happy Kids
Address Round Diamond Primary School, Whitehorse Lane, STEVENAGE, Hertfordshire, SG1 6NH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enthusiastic as they arrive at this busy club. They are met by welcoming staff and children are keen to sit with their friends as they share a snack. The atmosphere at the club is relaxed and friendly and children's behaviour is very good.

Children enjoy choosing what they want to do and engage in play and creative activities very well. The youngest children show determination and skill, such as when they use scissors to cut round a bookmark they are making. Staff encourage children to persevere and children are very pleased when they succeed.

Children are encouraged to develop healthy lifestyles. Wh...en it is too dark for children to safely play outside, staff make sure physical activities are available indoors. Children particularly enjoy table tennis.

They take turns and encourage their friends by cheering and praising their efforts. Snack is a highly social time, where all children sit together to eat and chat about their day at school. They are confident to talk to visitors and are keen to find out what they are doing.

Children say they feel safe at the club and enjoy the activities they have, such as playing with cars and using craft materials.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, the provider has worked in close partnership with the host school. When class bubbles were in place, the provider and staff implemented the same procedures at the club.

This helped to keep children and staff safe and the club to run efficiently.Children are very keen to help with daily tasks, such as washing up after snack. Those who are chosen complete the task extremely well.

Staff members stay close by them in the kitchen area, to supervise and make sure children are kept safe.The staff team is strong and well established. The provider has robust recruitment procedures in place.

This helps to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. Staff talk positively about their role and feel they are supported well by the provider. They work together well and show they know what needs to be done and where they need to deploy themselves.

Children concentre well on their self-chosen activities. They carefully use pens to make gifts and cards relating to Valentine's Day. Staff sit with children and chat to them.

Children know they can ask for other resources, such as envelopes, as they want to keep their cards a secret.Children build trusting relationships with staff. Their interactions are warm, fun and friendly.

Staff effectively nurture children and meet their individual needs. For instance, they regularly check in with children who are new to the club. These children report they are feeling happy and having a good time.

Children find creative ways to use resources. For example, children use blocks from a wooden block game to make pens for farm animals. They spend time sorting the animals into sets.

Other children line up the blocks to represent a domino run. They count how many fall down and repeat the activity, with determination, to beat their own score. Opportunities such as this help to build on the skills that support children's learning.

Parents speak positively about the club and staff. They say children are happy and enjoy themselves. Parents say they are confident that their children are safe and are being well cared for.

The provider holds supervision meetings with staff and looks for ways to continually develop their knowledge and skills. All staff benefit from training opportunities, in partnership with the host school. The provider shows a strong commitment to continuous improvement.

Regular feedback from staff and children enables her to gain an accurate understanding of the quality of the provision and identify what areas to develop.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have a good knowledge of child protection policies and procedures.

They are aware of the signs of abuse that could indicate children are at risk of harm. Staff undertake regular training to ensure their knowledge remains up to date. This includes wider safeguarding issues, such as extremism, radicalisation and peer-on-peer abuse.

The provider has robust policies and procedures in place. These are used to underpin their good safeguarding practice. Staff are deployed well to ensure good levels of supervision and support for all children.

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