Hayleys Little Munchkins

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About Hayleys Little Munchkins

Name Hayleys Little Munchkins
Ofsted Inspections
Address St Columba’s Church, Haldane Hall, Dean Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 7JH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority NorthYorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff know children very well.

They greet them warmly. Children arrive happily and settle quickly to their day. Skilled staff know when to help children and when to allow them to do things themselves.

This means that children are highly independent. They find their peg and hang up their coat. Older children are set challenges as they develop their fine motor skills, holding the pencil to write their name.

Staff know children's starting points. They expertly plan learning experiences, which build on what children know and can do. As a result, children make excellent progress in their learning.

S...taff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They carefully explain to children how to keep themselves safe. Children respond well to instructions and show they have an excellent understanding of the routines at the setting.

Staff teach children the names of emotions. They tell them how 'proud' they are of their creations. This helps children to manage their emotions.

Children build strong bonds with staff and their peers. They learn about teamwork as they help each other to use the paint dispensers to mix the colours in the water tray. Children are active learners.

They show pride in their achievements which are celebrated by staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children make exceptional progress in their learning. The management team and staff carefully choose a range of activities and experiences to meet children's individual learning needs.

This includes providing opportunities for all children to develop their physical skills through additional sessions. For example, dance, music and sports. The manager works closely with the session leaders to ensure children make rapid progress.

Children take part in group activities and learn to take it in turns. Staff explain learning activities to children. They challenge them to think about what might happen next.

Children develop their mathematical skills as they count the number of dots on the egg. Staff challenge children further as they recognise numbers and add two numbers together. Staff sequence learning for every child.

As a result, children develop high levels of concentration and are critical thinkers.Children share a love of reading. They access books in the environment and look at them independently.

Younger children enjoy sharing books with dolls. Older children learn new vocabulary as they listen to stories. For example, children share their excitement about the 'pesky eggs' they have found in the Easter egg hunt story.

Parents and carers are actively involved in the setting. The management team invite parents to stay-and-play sessions. They arrange regular parents' meetings to share children's learning.

Parents and carers comment on the excellent progress their children make and how the setting further supports them at home.Staff know the children and their families very well. They provide sensitive support for families.

This includes introducing a lending library of books for children and adults. They recognise the difficulties families can face and do all they can to support them. Parents and carers speak highly of the individual support they get from the setting.

Support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is excellent. The special educational needs coordinator works with staff to ensure any gaps in children's learning are quickly identified. The team work closely with other agencies, for example speech and language therapy to provide support for children and their families.

As a result, children with SEND make the best possible progress in their learning.Since the last inspection, the management team have made significant improvements in the setting. For example, all staff have undertaken training on the key-person role.

The key-person system is embedded in the practice. Staff have excellent relationships with their key children and understand their individual needs.The management team provide exceptional support for staff.

They prioritise their well-being. For example, staff have regular supervision sessions to discuss their personal and professional development. The owner celebrates their achievements and provides team building activities.

As a result, staff speak highly of the support and are happy in their work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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