Horn’s Mill Pre-School CIO

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About Horn’s Mill Pre-School CIO

Name Horn’s Mill Pre-School CIO
Ofsted Inspections
Address C/0 Horns Mill Primary School, Denbigh Close, Frodsham, WA6 0ED
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireWestandChester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

The attention to detail in this incredibly well-organised and purposeful pre-school is second to none.

Leaders embed a meticulously planned and ambitious curriculum, securely rooted in the knowledge of how children learn. Staff have an excellent understanding of how to successfully implement the curriculum due to their breadth of training across all areas. They follow children's interests and individual learning styles and use this knowledge to skilfully engage children in the wondrous opportunities on offer.

Staff use superb questioning techniques to challenge children's thinking. For example, they encourage ch...ildren to 'wonder' what will happen to the seeds they have planted and ask them 'how they think' they will grow. Children eagerly recall that seeds need sunshine and water and beam with pride as they receive praise for their efforts.

This stimulates further discussions and motivates children to find out more. Children become deeply engrossed in their play and display highly positive attitudes to learning.Children's emotional security is promoted exceptionally well by staff, who act as excellent role models.

Children are encouraged to develop their independence and demonstrate their 'can-do' attitude to learning. They participate in an exceptionally well-planned rolling snack time, initiated with a daily yoga session. Children help themselves to a choice of fruits and cereals, confidently self-serving and passing the bowls around the table to their friends.

Children show high levels of concentration as they carefully pour their own milk. As a result, children become capable, confident individuals who are fully prepared for their next stage.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager works tirelessly to forge links in the local community and recognises the importance of networking to share knowledge, ideas and best practice.

She has developed excellent relationships with the local authority, external professionals and other settings over the past forty years. Children benefit from particularly close links with the on-site primary school. This helps to ensure that transitions are seamless and children's needs will continue to be met when they move on to their next stage of learning.

The management team are highly attuned to the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They work in close partnership with a range of external professionals to ensure that children get the swift additional support they need. Staff go above and beyond to support children with SEND and identify training courses specific to these needs.

Consequently, children with SEND are included in the pre-school exceptionally well and make excellent progress from their starting points.Staff promote a love of reading by sharing stories with children and referencing these during play. Staff read with enthusiasm and story times are exceptionally well delivered.

Children relish in their role-play re-enactments of their favourite stories such as 'Handa's Surprise'. Staff offer creative ways to make links in children's learning and extend their understanding of the world. For instance, children visit local shops to buy the fruits from the story.

Children develop excellent understanding of the stories they listen to.Staff promote kindness and teach children about similarities and differences within their local community. Children delight in their visits to a local care home where they take a hamper of goodies for the residents and sing songs together.

These intergenerational visits help children to develop a growing understanding of fundamental British values and promote respect for different people.Children's thinking and problem-solving skills are developing exceptionally well. They show intense concentration as they carefully pour water and fill containers using different sized jugs and funnels.

Staff model language such as 'overflowing', 'capacity' and 'narrow' for children to use to describe what they are doing. Children are expanding their vocabulary as they play. This approach helps children to make rapid progress in their learning and development.

Staff are skilful in teaching mathematics. They provide various opportunities for children to count, measure and compare. Children confidently count apple slices at snack time, discuss capacity during water play and talk about the shape of their pots while planting seeds.

This helps to ensure new skills are embedded and children flourish as a consequence.The inspirational management team is extremely supportive and provides very effective leadership for staff. Leaders ensure that ample staff are on hand to enable them the time to plan, reflect and attend training.

Staff target training that is relevant to them and which has a purposeful impact on children's progress.Leaders reflect continuously, developing strategies such as their 'positivity affirmations' to build upon their excellent teaching. Strong teamwork and shared high aspirations for the children are at the heart of everything they do.

As a result, staff feel valued and work diligently to ensure that the pre-school provides an outstanding environment where children can thrive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Horn’s Mill Primary School

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