Humpty Dumpty Childcare Ltd / Kingsteignton

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About Humpty Dumpty Childcare Ltd / Kingsteignton

Name Humpty Dumpty Childcare Ltd / Kingsteignton
Ofsted Inspections
Address Kingsteignton School, Heron Way, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 3QY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The nursery has a strong ethos and has values that are personal, professional and nurturing.

Children enjoy their time and are eager to investigate and explore the wide range of activities on offer. Staff are keen to ensure that babies develop good social skills as they sit in low-level chairs at the table together when eating meals. Toddlers develop their confidence.

Staff further support their curious minds and develop their understanding through play. Older children learn to make their own decisions through self-directed play. All children make good progress from their starting points in preparation for their future... learning.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the nursery has been vigilant to ensure everyone stays safe. Staff take the temperature of all those who come into the nursery. They ensure everyone uses an anti-bacterial hand gel before entering to help reduce the risk of transmission.

Children behave exceptionally well. Staff positively guide them to understand the rules of the nursery, for example helping them to recognise the difference between right and wrong. Children feel safe and secure.

They show a positive attitude to learning and particularly enjoy the freedom of being able to play outdoors as much as possible. Staff actively promote healthy lifestyles, for example helping children to understand the benefits of nutritious food and exercise. The nursery chef provides hot meals daily for all, including those who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The nursery has formed strong links with parents and carers. Staff send home weekly activities for all children to engage in to support their overall development. Parents highly recommend the nursery commenting on how their children 'thrive' at nursery and how supportive staff are.

Through written feedback, parents comment on the excellent communication via an online app. They talk about how the nursery celebrates children's achievements, helping to build children's self-esteem effectively.Staff ensure that all children, including those who receive additional funding, take their full entitlement to nursery sessions.

They quickly identify those children who may require extra support and use funding wisely to help meet their needs. For instance, through staff training to enhance teaching or by purchasing specific resources.Leaders have a strong understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

They can identify the strengths of the nursery and where to make changes for an even better practice. For example, leaders are keen to maximise the outdoor space to its full potential to benefit children's all-round development. Staff are enthusiastic to develop signs through songs to support children's communication skills.

Children have good opportunities to bake and they learn about different food and kitchen equipment. Staff help them to measure ingredients using scales and children learn new mathematical language, such as '150 grams'. Children develop good independence skills.

They enjoy spooning flour into a bowl and mixing the ingredients together. However, at times, staff do not always help older children to build on their existing skills during group activities to extend them even further.Staff are passionate about providing children with as many real and natural objects as they can.

Babies enjoy exploring pine cones, for example as they roll them across the floor. Toddlers investigate tins and packets, such as pasta and porridge, in their role play kitchen. Older children play imaginatively in the 'mud kitchen', based on their own experiences.

All children have opportunities to make and explore dough to help strengthen their finger muscles in preparation for early writing. Children enjoy making marks using a variety of resources. Babies explore 'chunky' chalks, and toddlers enjoy painting with a brush on an easel.

Older children enjoy giving meaning to their drawings, although staff do not consistently support them to hold writing tools effectively to help them practise their skills.Staff ensure all children benefit from visiting areas in the local community. For instance, babies and younger children enjoy trips to the park to help develop their physical skills.

Older children walk to the nearby shop to buy food for snack and their role play area. They explore their surroundings and bring back natural items from their walk to investigate.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have a clear understanding of their role to help protect children from harm and know who to report their concerns to. Staff have implemented a specific information board for parents to access, should they worry about a child's well-being. The nursery has an effective recruitment procedure in place.

Leaders ensure that newly appointed staff have the relevant skills and experience before working with children. A robust induction process also ensures their suitability. Existing staff are equally monitored.

They attend frequent supervision meetings to ensure their ongoing suitability. Leaders routinely observe staff practice to ensure it benefits all children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nensure group activities for older children build upon their existing skills to help them make even further progress in their development consistently help older children to develop the skills needed for early writing more effectively.

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Kingsteignton School

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