Jaegar Academy HC

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About Jaegar Academy HC

Name Jaegar Academy HC
Address Lyndhurst Primary School, Grove Lane, London, Surrey, SE5 8SN
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Southwark
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children play in a welcoming and well-resourced environment and enjoy coming to the club. When they arrive, they quickly engage in activities that are planned around their interests and what they would like to do.

Staff place a strong focus on getting to know each individual child. They support children to make strong friendships with each other and form secure and trusting relationships. Staff are positive role models for behaviour.

Children are very kind to each other and have a good understanding of what is expected of them when they are at the club. They confidently share the club rules with each other and talk about t...he importance of respect. Older children support the younger ones when playing games and help them when needed.

Staff listen to children with interest and engage them in thoughtful conversations. Children are good communicators and can describe their ideas in detail. For instance, they concentrate and focus as they use pipettes with paint and scrapers on canvas.

Children use their imaginations as they talk through the colours they are using and the patterns they are making. They praise each other when they show off their finished artwork. This helps to promote their self-esteem and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff know the children well and support their individual needs and interests. They are highly engaging, and children invite them to join in when they play board games and during outdoor play and physical games. Children also play well together and relish in having opportunities to work together.

For example, they play with water, transporting it down guttering and then taking it in turns to pump it back up. They also enjoy building dens as they discuss what they can use and work together to create it.The manager uses self-evaluation effectively to reflect on the club's strengths and weaknesses.

She includes the views of staff, parents and children in this process. For example, staff ask parents to complete feedback forms and children to reflect on what they enjoy doing. Children also help make choices about the activities at the club.

Based on feedback from parents recently, the manager and staff have introduced more outings for children.Parent partnerships are well developed. Parents speak very positively about how their children enjoy attending and the activities staff provide.

Staff keep parents up to date with what their children do each day and what they are learning.Staff promote children's healthy lifestyles well. Children learn about the importance of good hygiene routines.

For instance, they know to wash their hands before eating and to drink lots of water. Staff encourage children to be physically active. They thoroughly enjoy group games, such as 'Grandma's footsteps' or races, and understand the importance of turn-taking.

Children learn about the benefits that exercise has on their bodies and overall health.Links between the club and the host school are strong. The manager works in the school and this helps her to form relationships with the teaching staff and children.

Staff say that they are very well supported by the manager, who is a great role model and mentor for them. She has regular meetings with her team and offers a range of different training. For instance, recent training in supporting positive behaviour has really helped the staff in managing any challenging situations.

The manager and staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities effectively to fully integrate with other children. The manager seeks additional funding for adaptations and staffing, where this is required to meet children's individual needs.Children behave well and display good manners.

They say 'please' and 'thank you' without prompts, and staff praise them for this. This encourages children's personal development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good understanding of how to keep children safe. They know how to identify and report their concerns about children's well-being. All staff attend training and meetings to ensure that their safeguarding knowledge is kept up to date.

They make sure that the setting is safe and well maintained. The manager ensures that all staff are suitable to work with children. Good recruitment and induction processes help staff to understand their roles and responsibilities.

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Junior Adventures Group @ Lyndhurst SE5 Lyndhurst Primary School

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