Junior Adventures Group @ Cherry Lane UB7

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Cherry Lane UB7

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Cherry Lane UB7
Address Sipson Road, West Drayton, Middlesex, UB7 9DL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy their time at this welcoming and well-run club. They arrive happily after school and quickly settle into their chosen activities. Staff have positive relationships with the children and are sensitive and attentive to their individual needs, quickly identifying when some children need reassurance or emotional support.

Staff place children's emotional well-being at the heart of everything they do. Children take part in a broad variety of well-organised indoor and outdoor activities. Children have plenty of opportunities to be physically active.

For example, younger children enjoy games such as 'banana tag' in ...the outdoor area, while older children enjoy an interactive dance game. Staff provide healthy and nutritious snacks for the children to enjoy with their friends.Children are given plenty of time and space to explore their own ideas and interests, and they make strong friendships.

They are very calm, and purposefully engage in their play. Staff follow the interests of the children. For example, they read stories to the younger children and join in with them to build and construct a marble run.

Children behave exceptionally well. They understand the clear boundaries and expectations that staff have of them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff plan a stimulating play environment.

They provide a wide range of resources and challenging activities which are highly motivating and beneficial to children's learning. Children confidently make independent choices about what they would like to play with.Children have plenty of opportunity to be physically active.

They have access to the school playing fields, climbing equipment and the indoor sports hall. Staff are full of fun and enthusiastically join in with children's play, which has a positive impact on children's enjoyment.The experienced and well-qualified staff provide excellent support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff obtain the necessary information they need to plan and prepare, prior to children attending. They provide resources that they know are of particular interest to children to help them settle on arrival.The manager and staff work well together to evaluate the effectiveness of the club and reflect on their practice.

The staff team is well organised and prepares ahead of children's arrival after school. Staff attend regular relevant training to continually update their knowledge and skills.There is a good two-way flow of information between the club and parents.

This helps to provide continuity in meeting children's individual needs. Parents spoke very positively about the club, and commented that staff are friendly and supportive.Children form strong relationships with staff and look forward to attending the club after their school day.

Staff are positive role models and interact well with the children. They engage in meaningful conversations, and show respect as they listen carefully to what children say. Children have a strong sense of belonging and their behaviour is exemplary.

They are exceptionally thoughtful, friendly and kind.Children enjoy their time at the club and are relaxed and settled. They socialise with each other and develop strong relationships with staff and their older peers.

Staff know the children well. Children are respected and feel safe and secure.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff ensure that children's safety is their priority. Staff have a secure understanding of child protection issues. They know how to identify and report any concerns about children to keep them safe.

They attend regular safeguarding training and keep their knowledge up to date. Staff carry out regular risk assessments and make sure the club is safe and well maintained. Managers ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.

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