KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor

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About KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor

Name KOOSA Kids Breakfast, After School and Holiday Club at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Guildfor
Address St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, 155 Aldershot Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 8YH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements The staff are friendly and welcoming to children at the club. Children are happy and enjoy positive interactions with the staff and each other. Staff support the newest children to settle quickly and build good relationships.

They have high expectations of children's behaviour. Club rules are reinforced daily, and staff provide a consistent approach to role modelling the behaviour that is expected. This helps children understand the boundaries and behavioural expectations.

Children's thoughts and opinions are considered when planning activities that are age- and stage appropriate and help develop their skills. The staff pl...an an array of physical activities for children to enjoy, such as go karts, games, and football. The staff are good role models for children and provide praise and encouragement.

In turn, children cheer each other on and celebrate with each other as they achieve. This gives children a positive sense of self and sets good foundations for future success. The staff are enthusiastic when encouraging the children to engage in play with one another.

At regular points during the day, children are able to self-select activities and enjoy free play. Children get along well together and demonstrate enjoyment when using their imaginations to create their own games with friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The supervisor and staff have created a relaxed and respectful environment for children to play and explore.

They speak to children with respect and value the children as individuals. The youngest children have a key person to ensure their individual needs are consistently met. This helps children to feel safe and secure in their environment.

The provider has secure procedures in place to recruit staff and ensure those who work with children are suitable to do so. Staff have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities, including safeguarding children effectively. Staff express that they feel their well-being is important, and they know where to go for support and guidance.

As such, this strengthens staff practice and has a positive impact on the children's day and the care they receive.Children are independent in self-care and access the toilets and wash their hands. Staff encourage children to develop an awareness of being healthy and encourage them to eat healthy snacks and drink water.

Mealtimes are social times, where children discuss their foods and likes and dislikes. Staff supervise children well as they eat and join in with two-way conversations. After meals are finished, staff encourage children to tidy their lunch boxes away.

Children listen to staff and put their empty packets in the bin.Staff risk assess the areas used by children to keep them safe. They help children understand ways in which they can keep themselves safe, such as not running indoors or climbing on furniture.

Staff teach children the club rules and the fire evacuation procedures are reinforced daily and are practised regularly. This helps ensure children know how to act in the event of a fire to evacuate the premises confidently, calmly, and swiftly.Children enjoy artistic activities, where they can explore their creativity.

Staff inspire children by encouraging them to be expressive in their creations. For example, staff share ideas and talk to the children about what they are painting. They offer guidance and praise as the children create their individual works of art.

The back-and-forth conversations give children ideas and prompt their thinking. Children are proud of their work and look forward to sharing their pictures with their families.The supervisor and staff value the thoughts and opinions of parents.

They have effective systems in place to ensure parents are given daily updates and information about activities that are offered at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

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