Khickster Entertainment Ltd

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About Khickster Entertainment Ltd

Name Khickster Entertainment Ltd
Address Simon Langton Girls School, Old Dover Road, Canterbury, CT1 3EW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children look forward to attending the club in the holidays and enjoy playing with their friends.

They settle quickly and eagerly take part in a range of planned activities, in the spacious indoor and outdoor environments. Children's physical development is promoted well. They balance tennis balls on racquets, work together as a team while balancing on benches and enthusiastically avoid balls as they take part in dodgeball.

Children have opportunities to rest as calming activities follow physical games. They are proud of their achievements at the holiday club. For example, children excitedly shout, 'Look at mine' after com...pleting their arts and craft activity.

Staff have high expectations and are positive role models for the children at all times. They show respect and interest as they speak and listen to the children. Children form positive relationships with the staff and wave to them across the hall.

Children behave well and wait patiently for their turn. They are keen to play and join in games, as they cheer for their team mates.Children eat meals and snacks with their friends and staff as they talk about foods they like.

They are encouraged to drink regularly throughout the day to remain hydrated. Home-cooked food is provided for some of the week. Staff plan the menu which include some of the children's favourite dishes, so that their choices are included.

This helps to make sure that children feel comfortable at mealtimes.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are well supported by leaders and managers. They receive a detailed induction, which enables them to carry out their roles and responsibilities well.

They use information available to identify the ages and needs of the children who attend, to enable them to plan accordingly to meet their interests and needs.The manager and staff are used flexibly throughout the sessions. This allows for staff to respond to children and maintain a safe environment.

There are ample staff members and interactions are frequent between the staff and children. The interactions are personal and unique to each child. This adds to the 'family feel' that the manager strives to create in the setting.

The manager and staff have high expectations of behaviour. The majority of children follow the instructions and engage in activities. Staff act swiftly and respond positively to the children.

They identify quickly when children require additional support. Staff support children and help them to regulate their behaviour.The manager effectively evaluates the service they provide.

She identifies where training or development is needed and has plans in place to train staff. The manager has a clear vision for her holiday club. The manager recognises that skills learned can be transferred outside of the camp and help children in their everyday life.

For example, children learn to tie their shoe laces and build friendships rooted in common interests.Staff plan a variety of activities for the children. There are times when children break off into age-related groups and times when they all mix as a whole.

If children show a particular like or dislike to an activity, the staff make allowances and include the children in alternative activities. This inclusive approach keeps children engaged, settled and interested. Children say that they enjoy the range of activities provided.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. A detailed meeting with the children and their parents enables staff to gather the necessary information they need to plan and prepare prior to children attending. Staff have recently completed training to help children who need additional support with their behaviour.

Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the holiday club. They speak highly of the support and care their children receive. They are kept up to date with information about activities that their children complete.

Parents value the communication with staff and how the activities are tailored to their children's needs or interests.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager has thorough procedures in place to ensure that all staff, volunteers and students are suitable to work with children.

Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of procedures to keep children safe. They attend child protection training and take part in regular quizzes, to keep their knowledge up to date. Risk assessments are effective.

For example, the manager regularly completes a visual risk assessment of the environments and acts on anything that could pose a danger to the children. Staff communicate effectively through a walkie-talkie system across the large site. Children's safety is prioritised at all times.

Also at this postcode
Simon Langton Girls’ Grammar School

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