Kiddies Palace Nursery Limited

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About Kiddies Palace Nursery Limited

Name Kiddies Palace Nursery Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Slade Green & Howbury Community Centre & Library, Chrome Road, Erith, DA8 2EL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Younger children who are new to the setting have settled quickly and show good relationships with staff.

They enjoy the clear play space, enabling them to develop their movements and freely explore the wide range of toys and activities now available. Younger children show good physical control as they build towers of bricks. Staff count each brick added, while children excitedly anticipate as they watch the tower as it grows and falls down.

Children develop and extend their learning because staff build on what they know and can do through planned new experiences. For example, while children wash dolls, staff talk to th...em about how they wash their face and brush their teeth at home. Younger children keenly join in copying actions, repeating words and make good attempts at saying new words, extending their vocabulary well.

Children behave well and respond cooperatively to staff, who help them learn the daily routines. Children drink water regularly with reminders from staff and they encourage children's independence at mealtimes. Children enjoy being active and develop good physical control while climbing on the soft play equipment and use a range of wheeled toys outside.

Children's interests ignite their spontaneous learning. For example, when younger children excitedly notice their shadow during outside play, staff explain how the sunshine makes our shadow and encourage children to watch their shadow as they move.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider and new deputy have made significant changes since the last inspection.

They have made good progress since the last inspection and now meet requirements. All actions set at the last inspection have been successfully completed. Staff have worked closely with the local authority and completed training to improve the curriculum across all areas of learning.

The new staff team have bonded well and work cooperatively. They understand the curriculum they offer and what they want children to learn.Staff place high emphasis on developing children's language and communication skills across all areas of learning.

For example, pictures and photos are displayed in the home corner and construction area to spark children's interest. Children look at the pictures and staff encourage them to talk about the things they recognise from home or in the local environment. Staff continuously talk to children during play and encourage their love of books as they read stories together.

Staff accurately identify children's learning needs. They plan meaningful activities that effectively focus on areas of learning where children need the most support. Staff work closely with the local authority early years team and know the procedures to follow when children may need additional support.

Younger children do not always sit comfortably as some chairs are too high for them and their feet do not touch the floor. This means they do not have the support and stability they need to fully enhance their physical movements, such as feeding themselves.The provider has a clear vision for the future and promotes effective teamwork.

Ongoing coaching and support enables less-experienced staff to effectively develop their knowledge and teaching skills. Methods of regular supervision to identify staff's individual training needs and further improve the quality of teaching are in their infancy.Parents say that their children have quickly settled at the nursery and that staff tell them about all events of the day.

Parents say their children are happy and they value the continuity of care offered to their older children, who attend before and after school times. Staff support their children well, including helping older children with their homework.Staff describe how they differentiate their teaching, so that activities are challenging for children of different ages and abilities.

For example, staff extend younger children's vocabulary as they name the animals and introduce early mathematics, such as big and small. Older children sort the animals by type or size.Children learn about their community during outings in the local area to shops and parks.

Staff help children develop their awareness of diversity through activities and stories relating to a variety of festivals and celebrations.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have completed safeguarding training and are alert to the signs of abuse.

They know the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children's welfare or if any allegations are made against staff. The provider uses robust vetting and recruitment procedures to ensure staff are suitable to work with children. Staff induction and ongoing meetings and quizzes ensure staff's knowledge of safeguarding procedures is secure.

Staff hold appropriate first-aid qualifications. They complete regular risk assessments and ensure the setting is clean and well maintained, so that it is safe for all users.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review the suitability of the furniture available, so that younger children can sit comfortably and gain the support and stability needed when sitting and eating, to fully promote their physical skills strengthen staff supervision to identify individual training needs and provide more regular targeted support, to further improve staff's skills and practice.

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