Kids Planet Lawley

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About Kids Planet Lawley

Name Kids Planet Lawley
Ofsted Inspections
Address Gresham Drive, Telford, TF3 5ES
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Children are not effectively safeguarded.

Significant weaknesses within the nursery put children's health and safety at risk. Staff do not implement effective risk assessment to remove and minimise hazards within the environment. They complete daily checklists to say that they have risk assessed the outdoor areas.

However, they fail to identify risks to children from stagnant water and sand trays left uncovered overnight that children have access to. The quality of the curriculum is poor. Staff do not provide children with activities that build on what they already know and can do.

This means children, i...ncluding children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do not make good progress in their learning. The key-person system is not effective in meeting the needs of the children. Having said that, children are generally happy and settled at the nursery.

They behave well and make friendships with each other. Staff respond well to children's emotional needs, offering them cuddles and comfort when needed. Staff sing to children during nappy changing times and are sensitive to their needs.

This helps children to feel secure. Babies develop some curiosity for learning as they explore their environment. Staff read favourite stories to children and encourage them to join in with songs and rhymes.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leadership and management at this setting are weak. Weaknesses in risk assessments still remain, despite actions being raised at a previous Ofsted visit. This puts children at risk of harm.

Managers complete risk assessments and care plans for children who have food intolerances or allergies. Children's requirements are displayed on named place settings and most children eat off coloured plates so that children's dietary needs are clearly identifiable. However, this procedure is not consistently followed for all children with dietary needs.

This puts children at risk of consuming food that could make them unwell.The curriculum provided is not carefully sequenced to build on what children need to learn next. Some staff know children's current interests.

However, they do not plan purposeful learning experiences that build on what children already know and can do. As a result, children frequently wander aimlessly around the room and do not engage in purposeful play or learning.All children are allocated a key person.

However, staff frequently work across different rooms leaving children without their named key person. This means that staff do not know the individual needs of children, including those with SEND, to help them make good progress in their learning.Managers do not ensure complaints are dealt with appropriately.

They do not gather all relevant information. This means that complaints are not fully investigated to identify any potential learning to support future practice.The arrangements for the ongoing supervision of staff are not effective.

Managers have failed to identify several weaknesses in practice, and therefore have not been able to address these in order to raise the quality of the provision for children attending. Although managers ensure staff are aware of the procedures to follow to report concerns about children's welfare, staff including apprentices, do not receive the time, support and coaching to help them raise the quality of their teaching to at least a good level.Some staff interact well with children and promote their communication and language skills.

They engage children in conversations and repeat new words to extend young children's vocabulary. Older children readily engage in discussions with visitors.Staff act as appropriate role models for children and demonstrate kindness and affection.

Children build friendships with each other and learn to share and take turns with toys and resources. However, due to weakness within the curriculum, children do not develop a positive attitude to learning.Staff encourage children to develop their independence.

This helps them to develop their confidence with managing their personal care needs, such as washing their hands before mealtimes and independently using the toilet.Parents speak positively about the nursery. They say that their children enjoy attending.

Parents welcome the fact that they can come into the nursery and drop off and collect their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective.There is not an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

The provision is inadequate and Ofsted intends to take enforcement action.

We will issue a Welfare Requirements Notice requiring the provider to: Due date ensure procedures for risk assessment are effective so that any hazards that pose a risk to children's health and safety are swiftly identified, removed or minimised 29/02/2024 ensure staff consistently follow robust procedures so that children's individual dietary needs are met 29/02/2024 ensure that all staff, including apprentices, benefit from effective supervision to help them fully understand all aspects of their role and responsibilities 29/02/2024 implement an effective key-person system to ensure each child's individual care and learning needs are consistently met, including those with SEND 29/02/2024 ensure all relevant information is gained so complaints can be fully investigated.29/02/2024 To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage, the provider must: Due date improve the curriculum and ensure staff plan activities and experiences that meet children's individual needs and builds on what children already know and can do.


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