Kidsaloud Daycare Nursery Ltd

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About Kidsaloud Daycare Nursery Ltd

Name Kidsaloud Daycare Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address Methodist Church, 274 High Road Leyton, LONDON, E10 5PW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WalthamForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are happy and relaxed in the calming and welcoming environment.

Staff help children settle with ease. They build warm and trusting relationships with their key worker. Babies snuggle in for reassuring cuddles.

This helps children to feel safe and secure. Staff know children's interests, linking them to what they want children to learn. For example, children in the toddler room are learning about their body parts through their love of action rhymes.

Older children are learning how to become independent as they cut fruit for snack time. Children develop secure attachments with the staff, who are kind an...d attentive to their needs. For instance, when babies wake from their naps, key people provide cuddles and reassurance before the children settle back to play.

Children behave well. They play nicely with their friends and learn to share and take turns. They form positive relationships with staff and their peers.

Children develop independence in their personal skills. Staff encourage them to share and take turns as they play, and during daily routines. Parents are very happy with the care their children are getting.

They can say the children are making good progress. They describe the staff as kind, attentive, helpful and professional.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has a clear vision for providing high-quality, affordable childcare for all children.

There are effective monitoring tools in place to support staff's confidence and practice, including regular supervision meetings. A good range of professional development helps staff improve their teaching skills even further. Staff comment that they feel well supported by the management team.

Children enjoy a bright, welcoming, well-resourced and spacious environment. Children behave well and are fully engaged in their play. The curriculum builds on what children already know.

For example, staff sing familiar action songs at various speeds to ignite the children's interest. Overall, teaching is strong. Staff adapt activities to suit each age group.

Staff support parents to promote learning at home. For example, they give tips and model story reading on the online platform.Staff ensure that children hear plenty of language.

Children experience lots of story times, singing activities and conversations during their day. They clearly enjoy these times and focus very well. Children swiftly develop their language skills.

A wide range of books is available throughout the nursery. Staff provide a lending library. They hold book sales where children can donate books from home and, for a small price, buy new ones from the nursery.

This enhances children's early reading skills.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. The knowledgeable special educational needs coordinator liaises with the local authority to provide extra support to children and their families.

Children receive one-to-one support from their key person to help them forge relationships and integrate into activities alongside their peers.Staff have a variety of languages, which reflects the culturally diverse local area. They use these skills to support children and families who have English as an additional language.

Children learn English very quickly once they start at the nursery. Staff support this further by translating and using visual prompts. Children enjoy learning about different cultures and communities different to their own through a range of celebrations and activities.

Children and staff sit together at mealtimes. Healthy food is prepared daily on site and children eat heartily. Staff model how to use cutlery and support children's lively conversations.

Daily routines, on the whole, work well and support children to know what is coming next. However, on occasion, children are left waiting for meals and snacks to be served, which makes them restless.Older children have daily access to a small yet well-resourced outdoor area.

Children also visit open spaces in the local community. However, babies do not benefit consistently from the same wide range of outdoor experiences. This affects their opportunities to explore the natural environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The management team and staff understand their responsibilities to keep children safe. Staff complete regular training and discuss safeguarding issues during meetings to keep their knowledge and understanding up to date.

They know how to report any concerns and liaise with other agencies to promote children's safety and welfare. The provider ensures that all necessary suitability checks are completed, to make sure that those working with children are suitable to do so. Staff work well together and are deployed effectively to ensure that children are supervised at all times.

Risk assessments help staff to identify hazards that pose a risk to children. Appropriate action is taken to ensure that the premises are safe and secure.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: review daily routines to ensure that children are not left waiting nincrease opportunities for young children and babies to access outdoor play.

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