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About Kidzone

Name Kidzone
Address Dobson Road, Bolton, BL1 4RT
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bolton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children attending this friendly, welcoming club are happy and talk about their school day with staff and friends.

Staff create a nurturing environment that is well planned with activities for the children to explore. The passionate and caring staff team know each child exceptionally well. The staff have knowledge of children's experiences in school.

They provide plentiful opportunities that support children in practising what they have learned in school. For example, children confidently take part in singing the new songs from their music class. Children know what is expected of them and their behaviour is excellent.
Children are respectful, kind and younger children make firm friendships from the outset. They share resources, take turns and are encouraged to praise each other during activities. Children help each other to succeed.

For example, they help each other when building complex, challenging train tracks for the younger children to enjoy. Children's views are listened to regularly and given high regard. For instance, staff gather their feedback then plan activities based upon their interests.

Parents report that they feel their children are safe and secure. Parents' views are regularly sought by the staff. Parents report their children are always eager to share what they have done that day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have extremely high expectations of children's behaviour. Staff skilfully support children to manage their feelings when frustrated or upset. Children frequently show affection to staff and their friends.

They continually build the skills of emotional intelligence. Older children support younger children to understand rules in a game of 'Simon Says', so they are not left out.Staff provide varied healthy snacks.

They consider individual, cultural and dietary needs of children who attend the club. Staff use snack time to talk about diversity and cultural differences, promoting an inclusive environment. The children have excellent self-care skills and follow robust hygiene rules that are in place.

However, at times, staff do things for children, such as preparing snack, that they are capable of doing for themselves.Parents hold the club and the staff in high regard. They report that their children are always happy to attend.

Parents describe how the staff help to support the medical needs of children by working in close partnership with themselves and the school. They report the club is exceptionally well organised. Parents say the club helps their children settle into school life well.

The staff team report feeling valued and nurtured. Staff benefit from regular supervision sessions and access to training opportunities. Staff induction is exceptional, as a result, staff say they are well supported in their roles.

The manager evaluates the club with the team, and they work to continually enhance the provision. The manager organised specific training about younger children. The training gives staff a deeper knowledge of supporting emerging writing skills for the youngest children.

Staff inspire children with creative spaces to explore. Exciting play opportunities are readily available. For those children who want a quieter space, a wonderful homely area is set out with sofas and books to share.

Staff are extremely well organised, knowing which areas they are responsible for that day. Staff work as a team to plan activities around the interests of the children. Knowledge of each child and session evaluations support planning, helping children to grow in confidence and build upon their skills.

The team of staff support children to understand British values, such as democracy. They regularly vote for activities they want to do next at the club. Children take part in developing the club rules such as being respectful and kind to each other.

Children say, 'We must help each other and take care of each other'. Children are excited to share their 'words and pictures' that are displayed on the values board.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Managers ensure that all staff have a secure understanding of how to keep children safe from harm. Staff know what to do if they are concerned about a child in their care, including wider safeguarding issues. Staff undertake safeguarding training as part of their induction and child protection is discussed within regular supervision meetings.

Assessing risk is held in high regard, for example robust processes are in place for collecting children from school. All staff have had first-aid training. The vetting, recruitment and induction of staff is given high priority in order to further protect children.

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