Kingsthorpe Grove

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About Kingsthorpe Grove

Name Kingsthorpe Grove
Address Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School, St Davids Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN2 7QL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority WestNorthamptonshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are happy and eager to attend this welcoming club. They are warmly welcomed by staff and quickly become engrossed in their chosen activities that reflect their interests and requests.

This motivates them to remain engaged for a sustained period of time. For example, children use their vivid imagination to make up stories using small toy characters, and change the tone of their voice to represent each one. They have an excellent understanding of emotional literacy as they talk about how each character is feeling.

Children persevere to solve problems. They work out how to adjust and carefully position parts of a mar...ble run, to enable the marbles to smoothly roll down the ramps. Children behave well.

They listen to each other's ideas and take turns in group games. Children know to hang their personal belongings on the cloakroom rack and help to tidy up what they have finished playing with. Children are exceptionally confident and show a high level of self-esteem.

They proudly show the inspector the biscuits they have decorated, and explain how they have created new colours by mixing different coloured icing together. Children talk about how much they enjoy attending the club and say that the staff are 'friendly and fun to play with'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy participating in a wide range of activities.

They particularly relish developing their creative skills. For example, they make dough and use this to create intricate cupcakes. Children use fresh herbs to perfect their designs, which stimulates their senses.

Staff ensure that children have ample opportunities to be active, both indoors and outdoors, in all weathers. Children burst into dance when they hear their favourite song playing and run around outdoors, working together to find objects as part of a scavenger hunt.Staff know children well and gather essential information from parents when children start, to help them settle quickly into the club community.

The effective key-person system in place supports children to feel emotionally secure. Children welcome staff's warm interactions in their play. The environment is well organised and activities fully consider children's individual interests and requests.

Children have good opportunities to play quietly and relax in the cosy area should they wish to.Staff support children to learn the importance of being healthy and to follow good hygiene routines. Fresh fruit is consistently available for children, and staff provide healthy meals and snacks.

Staff encourage children to wash their hands regularly prior to eating, after using the toilet and playing outdoors. However, the provider recognises the need to improve the facilities for younger children to be able to dry their hands independently.Parents speak highly about their children's experiences at the club.

They say how their children talk fondly about the staff and how excited their children are to attend. Parents describe the staff as 'energetic and engaging'. The provider is reflective on the service the club offers.

She regularly seeks feedback from parents and children and uses this information well to recognise potential areas for improvement.The manager and staff consistently support children's good behaviour. Staff praise and encourage children's efforts to help build their self-esteem.

Children are polite and follow the club rules and boundaries. Older children and staff are positive role models. All children play harmoniously together and show respect for one another.

The club is a valued part of the school community. Children benefit from the strong links with the host school. Staff work in partnership with colleagues at the school to share information about the children in their care.

This ensures that staff continue to meet their needs after the school day and relevant information is shared with parents when they collect their children from the club. Children are very clearly at the heart of everything that staff do.Staff benefit from a variety of training opportunities to help develop their knowledge and skills.

They receive regular supervision meetings which help support them to continue to build on their good practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is a high regard for children's safety at the club.

Staff use their risk assessments well to provide children with a safe and secure environment. They conduct regular headcounts throughout the day to ensure that children are accounted for at all times. There are good arrangements to ensure children are collected by known and authorised adults.

Staff and the provider have a secure knowledge of the possible signs that a child is at risk of harm and the correct action to take. The provider understands her responsibilities to report any concerns about a child to the school and other agencies promptly. There are robust recruitment arrangements to ensure staff are suitable for the role.

Also at this postcode
Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School

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